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Gay science gone bad: Gay conversion canvassing study published in Science was a fabricated, agenda-driven propaganda campaign disguised as science

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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May 22, 2015

(NaturalNews) Proving once again that "scientists" can make up any loony, whacko conclusion they want and get it published in a prestigious science journal, a celebrated study on gay marriage views that was published in Science has now been exposed as a complete fabrication.

One of the study's authors, it turns out, just made the whole thing up.

The paper, entitled "When contact changes minds: An experiment on transmission of support for gay equality," was authored by Donald Green of Columbia and Michael LaCour, a graduate student at UCLA. The journal Science bills itself as "The world's leading journal of original scientific research..." and has so far not posted a message of retraction on its website.

We now know the study was pure fiction, just like all the biotech industry studies claiming GMOs and glyphosate are safe, too. As originally published in Science, the study claimed that individuals' views on gay marriage could be radically altered merely by meeting and chatting with a gay person. As printed in the study abstract:

Contact with gay canvassers further caused substantial change in the ratings of gay men and lesbians more generally. These large, persistent, and contagious effects were confirmed by a follow-up experiment. Contact with minorities coupled with discussion of issues pertinent to them is capable of producing a cascade of opinion change.

In other words, the study claimed that "gay enlightenment" was contagious, and that once people had their own views changed to be more positive about gays and lesbians, they would then function as "human convincers" and run around their local communities, convincing others to change their opinions on gay marriage, too.

Remarkably, even though the entire study was fabricated with fake data, the abstract claims, "These large, persistent, and contagious effects were confirmed by a follow-up experiment." Apparently, the faked data were confirmed by faking them a second time. That's the kind of science that appears in the journal Science. And just as we've seen in the "science" realms of vaccines and GMOs, the best way to confirm their original faked studies is to fake them a second time!