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By Sandi , from Jim Stone

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March 19, 201

Sandi wrote: The women Rant:

Jim..I am a petite female. I totally understand and agree with (most of) what you say about women. But here is where you are lacking...the planned destruction of the family, and what we need to do to turn it around.

The generations from the 70's until now have NOT had the rearing/bringing up that we had in the 50's & 60's.

My father, who was 100% war disabled, raised us to do everything he did. I helped fix cars, tractors, furnaces, plumbing, washer, dryer, electrical, carpentry, run a business, etc.

My mother taught us about running a home, cooking, cleaning, sewing, managing money, etc. Furthermore, they let us fall, and then we picked our own sorry asses up and LEARNED. Both of my parents, together, showed us how to be well rounded, independent, morally sound beings, and tackle nearly any adversity that would come our way, then or now..

Now I can do anything either of them could do (if it doesn't require extremely heavy lifting), and more. I can invent and create things...out of necessity or planned; make a job out of nothing, to earn a wage; I can outshoot most; drive a muscle car or motorcycle; break a horse; cave dive; and I can hold my own in nearly any conversation about anything, ETC.

My point is this Jim...Men/fathers MUST raise their children to do everything they know how to do (as well as the women/mothers), and push the children to figure out the other things. Raise both boys and girls equally, with no bias to sex.

Kids that weren't raised properly are the problem now, and have become the kind of nasty women you speak of. The kids didn't ask for the way they were raised... And when they must do it on their own, it takes much longer, and they may never be able to be productive beings. I dare say that IF they have to figure it out on their own, very few will ever succeed.

What is pissing you off is the outcome of the planned degradation of our societies. This has been in the workings since early 1900, and implemented around 1933. People blindly heading into the future, blinded by broken families, mind control, propaganda, poisoned food, water, and air.

Lighten up on the blame, Jim. Use your voice to instill in all who follow you what they should be doing to change the world, anger and blame are destructive, and don't work.


Life is is supposed to be balanced (night/day, good/bad right/wrong), etc. We can't have one without the other, and nothing survives unless it remains in balance.


My response

Have you ever heard of the Christian rock group Petra?

They have a song called "computer brains" and that is where I first heard the term garbage in / garbage out presented in a way that would really stick. The current state of American women/men reflects this perfectly.

What I have not mentioned is that though men are more resistant to "garbage in", the efforts being made in the universities now, and influence of the mass media, coupled with bad upbringing has caused the men to be garbage (at least at a young age for practically all) and the few good women there are left out there do not have many options either.

However, it all started with the corruption of the women, because they were and are an easier target. The "elite" knew this, to destroy the women, the men had to first be reduced to a value of zero, which was accomplished with the bogus domestic abuse scam, and overwhelming police state power to enforce the scam in all cases, where no evidence or event had to take place to bury a man forever under a false domestic abuse charge. This left American homes devoid of men, and they could not be there to ensure a proper upbringing of the children. It is a well proven fact that Women fail at this without a man around.

Then the women had to be brainwashed in college to destroy their families by enforcing this scam, and with the men removed from the homes, the destruction of the boys then was able to proceed in public schools because the women could not see it happening the way a man would and put a stop to it. Now everything is trash.

On average, however, the men resisted moral destruction better than the women did and in general make good husbands (as any Latina will say,) and foreign women are aware of this. That is why foreign women will come to America for husbands and subsequently stay married. If American men really were bad, this would not happen.

On the other hand, foreign men walk straight into disasters with American women. It's a well entrenched world theme.

If I was an American woman who somehow avoided destruction, knowing what I know, I would run like the wind from any young man who wanted casual sex or believed the feminist mind wipe and that "anything goes". The door at present swings both ways, young men have never been worse than they are now, for a decent woman it is a mine field.

For as long as this zionist/elitist plot remains in place in America, there will be no recovery. Lynchings, hangings, nukings, mass killings will have to take place to root this out, I swear, I pray for an invasion from Russia that rooted every last one of these animals out of the power structure, Americans are too mind whipped and NSA raped to ever mount an effective resistance, this time if the problem is going to be fixed, America needs to lose a war BADLY and go through "regime change" enforced from outside the country. At least Putin expresses strong Christian values and actually acts on them. What is America's equivalent now? The grove and Molech. Stark difference there, who would you rather have in charge?

In the past America was great. But the zionist front (which is now led by Nut Yahoo and directed by Sir Rothchild) has screwed America over so badly that Americans would probably be better off as a cold war era Soviet satellite country. America has progressed far beyond that level of tyranny. WHAT WOULD BE BETTER, THAT, OR THIS:


If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world's biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again.

This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves." - Benjamin Netanyahoo

Nut Yahoo's statement is a stark declaration that America is under the control of people who revel in the disasters they cause. The destruction of the family is one such disaster. What would you rather have? A soviet style clamp down where after the economy is converted things go to a controlled economic system and business as usual in other ways, with crappy products but no one starves as long as they comply, or to live under the reign of zionist animals who continuously seek to destroy every aspect of your life, from family to your education to your health just because they hate you?

Obviously both are bad choices, I'd rather have the old America back, but at this point it is obviously not an option. What would you choose? Food you hate, or poison that will actually kill you? That is the crossroad America is now at. After what I have seen happen to America under Nut Yahoo style thinking, after seeing the results, communism, where at least a family is allowed without getting totally messed with by intentional social manipulation that causes it to self destruct would be a far better option. At least there would be a real home and family to go to. Is that not, in reality, the real number one?



JF wrote:

I beg to differ about Russian communism, and as they say, "be careful what you ask for because you may get it".

The only reason it wasn't every bit as savage and socially destructive as what is being implemented in the U.S. today, is because 100 years ago and even 40 years ago the technology wasn't there to allow the general ambience of total social control to cover all aspects of Russian society. Neither was the high degree of development of all the "social programs" yet in existence.

All that happened in Russia was communism 1.0, and was used to prepare the communism 2.0 being implemented in the U.S. now, both instances being perpetrated by the same Tribe of Molech.

As far as concerns Nut & Yahoo, he's just parroting what his superiors have told him all his life, but sooner rather than later, he will most ptobably reap what he has helped sow in Israhell due to the algidity they have produced/engineered in the area. He and his fellow sacrificial lambs will be eliminated once the surrounding countries have been depopulated enough for the rest of The Tribe to move in safely.

March 18 2015