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The Problem Of White Guilt


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Feb. 23, 2015

You don't have to be a saint to be offended and fed up by the corruption and depravity that spews from the mouths of blacks, Jews, queers and liberals. All you have to be is someone fighting to better himself. Those vile things act as mud sucking at your shoes as you try to walk a higher path. And if you're not offended, you're part of the problem. Apathy to moral depravity is just as bad as the act itself. I hear a lot of people, especially Christians, that say they feel guilty for hating these people, that it goes against Christian teachings. They couldn't be more wrong. Having studied all the major holy books extensively, I can tell them that the Bible clearly instructs believers to despise and resist all forms of evil and depravity. They point to the command to forgive as the reason for their guilt. What they fail to realize is the book of Acts makes forgiving highly conditional. The person to be forgiven must first repent. To repent means to first regret your actions and then stop forever. They are commanded not to forgive the unrepentant, but to instead cast them out from among them. This goes not only for the offending races but individuals as well, regardless of race...


Our enemies are other races. I can't name one single race that isn't out for Caucasian blood. Not one. We stand alone. We didn't start this fight, in fact we as a race have done everything in our power to uplift these other races from the mud of ignorance, starvation and disease, and we have brought the light of technology into their filthy huts. Were they grateful? Were we thanked? No. Instead they use that same technology, all those brilliant inventions of ours to make war against us. They kill our young men, steal our women, bomb our buildings and destroy our works all over the globe. And we are demonized and blamed for everything short of rain. Why? Why do all these races hate us so much? The answer is frighteningly simple. Jealousy..


Jealousy is one of the strongest and most destructive emotions there is. It creates hatred. It consumes the souls of all those that give into it, transforming them into vindictive, unreasoning beasts who will gleefully murder you, your spouse and your innocent children just so they no longer have to face a superior they will never be able to match. And even after you're dead and gone they will piss on your grave, wishing there was a way they could hurt you again. When old Cromwell was finally beheaded in the Tower of London for his genocide, the people of London dug up his corpse and dragged it through the streets behind a horse, beating it with sticks as it passed. After that they burned it severely, then they mounted his head on a pike at the gates to the tower for the crows to munch on. Passersby would throw stones at it or spit on it as they passed. It stayed there for nearly fifty years...


Blacks, Jews and the others don't possess anywhere near the emotional control a white does, so when they feel a strong emotion they react very violently. I was a boy when Kennedy was shot. I remember the womenfolk crying a lot and the men drinking, swearing and even crying as well. And weirdly to a small boy, our Jewish neighbors were celebrating. This made no sense to me, and I just figured it was just another one of the many things I still didn't understand about life. It was only decades later that I understood. And the blacks? How did they react? Why, they rioted of course. Shops burned, whites were murdered, cop cars torched and stores looted. And when Bobby was killed shortly after the same thing happened all over again. The lower races did their thing like they always

do. They showed their evil...


Never feel guilty for feeling outrage for outrages. It's what you're supposed to do. If more people did this, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in right now. Our whole problem stems from apathy. Let me ask you a question; Do you honestly think that you're grandfather's generation would allow anyone in Washington DC to remain there another 48 hours? Or would they march en masse, armed to the teeth to remove that festering mess and hold court right then and there, lynching the lot of them for high treason? That's right. Those lowlifes would be scurrying like terrified rats, throwing each other under the bus to escape the justice coming for them. The fat, cigar chomping Jews that stuff the halls of congress, the senate and the West Wing would be pleading on their knees, offering huge sums of ill gotten cash for mercy while secretly scheming ways to cheat you out of it once freed. No, our grandsires would kill them all without mercy or hesitation, with no worries about guilt complexes or political correctness or "trauma counseling" or any of the rest of all that liberal bullshit designed to pussify the masses into cowering away from their duty...


Never feel guilty about doing what's right or necessary. God despises a coward, or didn't you know that? He would much rather you made a mistake, attempting to do the right thing than to just sit on your ass, afraid to act at all. He will forgive that but not cowardice. And neither will posterity. History will record how the majority of the white race just sat back, brainwashed by their mortal enemies into allowing them to calmly walk up and destroy them. And that's exactly, exactly what's happening before our eyes. Our nation has fallen. It's just too stupid to fall over yet. But it will, and soon. And when it does that precious way of life you were so terrified of disrupting will utterly vanish forever, to be replaced by a ruthless dictatorship bent on wiping out what's left of us. At our best we're a tiny minority, making up only 7.5% of the entire human race on this planet. That's all!  And that number is falling rapidly because of massive over-breeding by the dark races, white genocide in foreign countries (which is never reported here), and our own reluctance to have kids in favor of hedonism. Raising kids costs a fortune and it requires a lifetime of commitment and sacrifice. That is, if you do it right and not just pop them out and leave them where they hit, like the blacks do. We are fast becoming a race that deserves its fate. You want to worry about guilt? Fine. How guilty will you feel when all these things come to pass and you know you could have helped to fight against it?


Stop sweating the small stuff and face reality. We have enemies and they are in the wrong, not us. At this stage of the game guilt is for fools and cowards. If I were to die tonight and go before my Creator, I would feel no guilt for my beliefs or actions. That's because I'm doing the right thing and I know it all the way down to my toes. Never feel guilty for exposing and fighting evil. Just because we ourselves are flawed is no excuse to allow others to perpetrate an even greater evil. If God didn't want us to hate the Jews for their evil, then he should have dealt with them himself a long time ago. Because no man in his right mind is going to approve of what they, the blacks and the rest of these lower races have done and are doing. The world is a mess. We all know that. But the reason it's that way can be laid at the feet of evil men around the world. Earth herself isn't evil and she didn't do all the things that make this place a hell to live on. No, it was men. Evil men and races of men that are bringing about the Apocalypse. If you want to feel guilty about hating these creeps then be my guest. Just don't get in my way when I start kicking butt...



"It will be seen that when we classify mankind by color, the only one of the primary races, given by this classification, which has not made a creative contribution to any one of our twentyone civilizations is the Black Race."--Dr.Arnold Toynbee, The Study of History, Vol. I, page 233.