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20 Signs That We’re Not Living In A Patriarchy

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Feb. 23, 2015

The data clearly shows that male supremacy is a myth.


20 Signs That We’re Not Living In A Patriarchy The data clearly shows that male supremacy is a myth

Feminists typically justify their beliefs by claiming that America (and the west in general) is a patriarchy, a society where men dominate and women are subjugated. But does our world really privilege men over women? All the signs point to no. Here’s why…

1. More women than men are attending college and earning degrees

According to Pew Research Center, 71 percent of women enroll in college after graduating high school while only 61 percent of men do, with the gap widening every year. Additionally, since 2006, women have earned the majority of college degrees at all levels, from associate’s degrees to doctorates.

2. More women than men have jobs

Since 2010, women have surpassed men on American payrolls and consistently have a lower unemployment rate than men as well. This is in large part due to the current recession, which so disproportionately impacted men that media outlets have dubbed it the “mancession.”

3. Men and women earn equal pay for equal work

Feminist claims of a “pay gap” between men and women are false. According to the Wall Street Journal, when pay rates are adjusted for education, marital status, occupation and other factors, men and women earn the same amount of money for the same work.

4. On average, boys perform worse in school than girls

Girls consistently earn higher grades than boys in grade school, including in math and science. Boys are also more likely to be diagnosed with developmental disorders such as ADD, ADHD and autism.

5. Men are jailed at much higher rates than women

According to the Bureau of Justice, there are more than ten times the number of men in prison than women, many of them jailed for drug possession and other nonviolent offenses. So many men are imprisoned in the U.S. that the “land of the free” now has the largest prison population in the world, larger than communist China (a country with four times our population) and other repressive dictatorships.

6. Men are more likely to commit suicide than women


From 2000 to 2011, the U.S. suicide rate rose to 12.3 per 100,000 people from 10.4, with men driving the increase: they are four times more likely to kill themselves then women. Middle-aged men and military veterans are especially at risk of suicide.

7. Rape rates in the U.S. are the lowest in decades

Despite feminist claims that American society fosters a “rape culture,” the rate of rape and sexual assault declined by 58 percent between 1994 and 2010. In 1994, five out of every 1,000 women were raped; in 2010, only two out of 1,000 were.

8. College students are much less likely to be raped than the general population

Feminists like to argue that one out of every five women in college will become the victims of rape, but according to the Department of Justice, only six out of every 1,000 female college students will be raped or assaulted. In other words, only 0.03 out of every five women are raped.

9. Domestic violence has fallen to its lowest rates ever,,.....