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The Princeton Review and campus rape

Heidi Hess, CREDO action

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Jan. 16.2015

Why won't The Princeton Review make college sexual assault information public?


Tell The Princeton Review:

"High school students and their parents have a right to know if a college campus has a problem with sexual assault. Please include sexual assault prevention and response in your ranking of colleges."

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Sexual assault on campus is a national crisis. One in five college women will be sexually assaulted before graduation, and 92 colleges are under investigation by the federal government for mishandling reports of campus rape.

The Princeton Review, the go-to guide for students applying to college, refuses to include information about how schools handle sexual assault. Prospective students and their parents have no way to know which schools are effective at preventing rape on their campuses and which are looking the other way -- or worse, contributing to the problem.

The Princeton Review must take action and do its part to stop this national epidemic. Click here to sign the petition.

The Princeton Review uses an in-depth, 80-question student survey to grade schools on everything from quality of life to class size to fire safety. Students are asked everything from how much time they spend studying, to how good the food is, to how easy it is to get around campus, but there are no questions about campus sexual assault.

If The Princeton Review starts including information on campuses' sexual assault track records, the public statistics and public accountability will help pressure colleges across the country to get serious about the epidemic of campus rape. It would be simple for The Princeton Review to ask a few basic questions of students and rank schools on both the prevalence of sexual assault and their response to it. But they won't do it unless we demand it.

Help generate enough public pressure and media attention to convince The Princeton Review to do the right thing. Click the link below to sign the petition:

Thanks for everything you do,

Heidi Hess, Campaign Manager

CREDO Action from Working Assets

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