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The Bill Cosby Allegations.

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----- Original Message -----
From: KE
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 10:49 AM
Subject: The Bill Cosby Allegations.

In love and light to the Anne & Patrick Bellringer,

As an American/Black/ probably African descent;  I grew up watching Cosby on a multitude of his shows (including the cartoon show; I was a kid).  I watched his show that was presented in the 80’s (I was a adult).  To me they were wholesome shows with a lesson to be learned with each episode.  What I have found out with Mr.  Cosby is that lately on a multitude of speeches he has been calling American Blacks on the carpet of not upholding in keeping with the positive bounds of this country.  Now, I have read many articles that Mr. Cosby is associated if not a member of a society that is designated as the Boule.  This particular society is equivalent to such societies as Skull and Bones (that also does not exist); however, it must be addressed.  Mr. Cosby speeches have been the antithesis of the democratic/ socialist agenda.  Cosby has made scathing remarks to the black community of not fulfilling their end of the bargain.  Now, my question is what bargain was communicated to the community (we are all in this, race has no bearing )?  Where did Mr. Cosby go awry?   Now, I question if he was a sacrifice or self sacrifice for the Boule (of which you will hear nothing about from the Black community; or even if they are aware that it exists.)  These are just m