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Tony Blair, 'Infanticide Endorser' is Rewarded by 'Save The Children'

Felicity Arbuthnot

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Nov. 23, 2014

At Save The Children we want to delight and surpass your expectations.” (Save The Children website)

When the Orwellian “Middle East Peace Envoy” Tony Blair was named “Philanthropist of the Year” by GQ Magazine in September for “his tireless charitable work” (tell that to the dismembered, dispossessed, traumatized of Iraq, Afghanistan) there was widespread disbelief.

Mind stretching though, it was hardly a heavyweight accolade, coming from a publication with, seemingly, a strange fetish for David Beckham’s knickers and little grounding in reality.

The magazine’s Editor lauding Blair’s “achievements” surreally included “reconciling the three Abrahamic faiths.” He may know about men’s knickers, but he clearly has not heard of Iraq.

Blair’s recent endeavours include, for an alleged 7.6 million pounds a year – which he denies – that he:

“advised Kazakhstan’s autocratic president, Nursultan Nazarbeyev, on how to manage his public image after police killed 15 unarmed protestors.” (1)

Blair helpfully also added 500 words to a speech Nazarbeyev was to make in Cambridge, UK, which: “were used to portray (the President) as a visionary leader who had improved living standards in his homeland.” (2)

Upon receipt of the award for philanthropy Blair commented: “I feel the pulse of progress beating a little harder.”  A variation of his tacky Northern Ireland: “This is no time for sound bites, but I feel the hand of history on my shoulder.”

(See image below for the “hand of history” on Tony Blair’s shoulder)

On 19th November, though, the Butcher of Baghdad, Dodgy Dossier Master, Sanctions Endorser of an embargo which condemned to death an average of 6,000 children a month according to the UN, was awarded Save The Children’s Global Legacy Award at a Gala Charity at The Plaza in New York.