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“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson is no stranger to controversial statements, having been blasted by the left last winter for his frank condemnation of homosexuality in an interview.

He’s back at it.

He now asserts in a sermon that maintaining a biblically correct sexual relationship almost guarantees not contracting a sexually transmitted disease.

“The Bible says one man, one woman … can come together and be married. … You know what those two will never have? They will never have a sexually transmitted disease. You know why? They keep their sex between the two of them. They can’t catch a sexually transmitted disease.”

The cultural icon, TV star, businessman and Louisiana preacher said that within the limits of a biblical relationship, men and woman almost never get the debilitating and sometimes fatal diseases associated with sexual activity.

“Biblically correct sex is safe. … You’re not going to get chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, AIDS – if you, if a man marries a woman, and neither of you have it, and you keep your sex between the two of you, you’re not going to get ever sexually transmitted diseases.”

Michael W. Chapman wrote at CNS News the sermon was delivered Sept. 14 at White’s Ferry Road Church in West Monroe, Louisiana.

Robertson is an elder at the church and was speaking as part of Duck Commander Mission Sunday, the report said.

He said the biblical model was created by God so people “can procreate, fill the earth with offspring.”

“You need to stay together just like that,” he said.

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He said the “masters of exception” will raise the issue of infections from blood transfusions.

“I’ll give you that,” he said.

But, he noted, “It is very, very rare.”

People are being harmed, he said, by accepting “orthodox liberal opinion.”

“Just breed anything and anybody. Just have at it. Go for it. Don’t be … shackled and live a life of restraint before God Almighty,” he said.

“Look, God’s way is the safe way. That’s all I’m saying. True or false? Man meets woman, marries her, keeps his sex right there, the children come. The chances of them getting a sexually transmitted disease would you say is almost zero? You can say it.”

TV By the Numbers reports “Duck Dynasty” continues to be among the highest-rated reality TV programs ever on cable. During the summer, the show was No. 1 every week.

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Robertson, 68, has been married to Marsha Kay Robertson for 49 years.

A report Tuesday said there are a total of 110 million STDs among men and women in America. As many as 20 million new cases arise each year, with medical costs of $16 billion.

WND Founder and CEO Joseph Farah wrote last winter about Robertson’s temporary “suspension” from “Duck Dynasty” in response to his comments about homosexuality.

The network quickly reversed itself and announced the show was resuming work.

“First of all, A&E had no idea what it was doing when it first produced the ‘The Duck Dynasty.’ The TV geniuses in New York who conceived this show thought they had found a family of Louisiana rubes at whom Americans would laugh themselves silly. That was the network’s first mistake. Instead, they found a family Americans found both entertaining and admirable because of their Christian convictions,” Farah wrote.

“The second mistake A&E made was capitulating to pressure from homosexual special-interest groups who found Phil Robertson’s commitment to the Bible over social fashion to be the unpardonable sin. In suspending him, A&E profoundly insulted the fan base it had helped Robertson attract and jeopardized the profit center it inadvertently discovered,” he said.

“The way I see it, Phil Robertson was attacked by A&E and others for espousing his honest and sincerely held Christian beliefs.”

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Robertson later defended his views.

At the Republican Leadership Conference at the Hilton Riverside Hotel in New Orleans he said: “You lose your religion, you lose your morality, you lose your freedom. You cannot be right for America if you are not right with God.”

He continued: “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians. Where there is no Jesus, the love rate is always real low and the crime rate is always real high. It’s just that simple GOP. You want to turn the Republican Party around, get godly.”

Article printed from WND: