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Sacramento Bureaucrats Weigh Sex Bill

Michael Reagan

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Aug. 20, 2014

The internal contradictions of leftism never cease to amaze.


The same people who want to legalize prostitution — they call participants “sex workers” —  now want to regulate sex among amateurs.


The California Political Review is contemplating SB967, a bill based on guidance from the Obama administration that requires an “affirmative consent standard” that school administrators would use to determine whether a sexual assault has occurred.


The standard would define every sexual encounter as “an affirmative, unambiguous and conscious decision by everyone involved.”


And you thought regulating carbon dioxide was about as far as regulation could go.


Proving leftist Democrats are immune to parody, the bill passed the California Senate by a vote of 27 to 4 and is now before the Assembly. If those Statesmen of Sex pass the bill it goes to Gov. Jerry Brown for his signature.


Which brings up the question: Is it in bad taste to recommend a pocket veto for a bill concerning sex?


Since this is California the regulation will be complicated.


I can see requiring participants to file their paperwork in the student union where an official will examine the document and have it notarized. Of course like gun control laws, this bill won’t do anything to prevent or deter rapists who won’t bother with the paperwork.


I suppose we should look on the bright side: At least the legislature didn’t require a three-day waiting period.



Michael Reagan is the son of President Ronald Reagan. He is president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation and chairman of the League of American Voters. Mike is an in-demand speaker with Premiere. Read more reports from Michael Reagan — Go Here Now.


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