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10 Things You Never Noticed About Your Favourite Disney Movies

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Aug. 13, 2014

Disney movies, eh? They are the paragon of childhood virtue, that wonderful studio that took on adventures under the sea, through the desert, and into the rainforest. Could there be anything more pure and wonderful than settling down with your loved ones and enjoying some wholesome, Disney movie fun? Um, yes. Loads of people have spotted filthy, cheeky, or downright crude jokes hidden in everyone’s favourite Disney films. We’ve compiled a list of the most unbelievable-how many did you spot before?

1. The Little Mermaid and the Phallic Palace

You might not have spotted this one-but the first time we see the palace in The Little Mermaid, freezeframe for a second and take a really good look. What do you notice? Well, I’ve give you a clue-if you were a Disney artists annoyed at losing your job and drawing a bunch of long, straight turrets for a kid’s film, what would you make them look like? Yep, that’s right-though the artist denies doing it on purpose, Disney have tried to scrap the frame from the movie after people started to complain.