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Deceptive evil Jesuit anti-Pope Francis I asks for Forgiveness for pedophilia by clergy

The Unhived Mind

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  • Apr 12, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    11 April 2014 Last updated at 17:55

    Pope Francis asks forgiveness for child abuse by clergy

    Pope Francis has asked for forgiveness for the “evil” damage to children caused by sexual abusers in the clergy.

    He said the abuse was a “moral damage carried out by men of the Church”, and that “sanctions” would be imposed.

    The statement, made in a meeting with a child rights group, is being described as his strongest on the issue so far.

    Last month, Pope Francis strongly defended the Roman Catholic Church’s record on tackling sexual abuse by priests, following UN criticism.

    The Pope set up a committee last year to organise help for victims of clerical sexual abuse but has been accused by some Catholics of dragging his feet in acknowledging the extent of the moral and mental damage caused by paedophile priests, the BBC’s David Willey reports from Rome.


    The Pope said he had felt compelled to “personally ask for forgiveness for the damage [some priests] have done for having sexually abused children”, the Vatican Radio website reports.

    He said that the number of priests who had committed abuses were “quite a few in number”, although “obviously not compared to the number of all the priests”.

    “We will not take one step backward with regards to how we will deal with this problem, and the sanctions that must be imposed,” he said, adding: “We have to be even stronger”.

    Alessandra Aula of International Catholic Child Bureau, the children’s non-governmental organisation that was at the Vatican for the Pope’s address, welcomed his comments.

    “The Pope took an unequivocal position on sexual abuse and I think it is a message we all were waiting for,” she told BBC World TV.

    In an interview last month, Pope Francis defended the Catholic Church, saying: “No-one else has done more [to tackle child sexual abuse]. Yet the Church is the only one to have been attacked.”

    It came after a UN report accused the Vatican of systematically placing the “preservation of the reputation of the Church and the alleged offender over the protection of child victims” – something the Church has strenuously denied.

    The Catholic Church has faced numerous allegations of child sex abuse by priests around the world and criticism over inadequate responses by bishops.

    Earlier this year Pope Francis strengthened Vatican laws on child abuse, broadening the definition of crimes against minors to include sexual abuse of children.

    While in office, predecessor Pope Benedict XVI apologised to victims of child sex abuse, saying he was “truly sorry” for the “sinful and criminal actions” committed by priests.

    theunhivedmind says:

    April 12, 2014 at 7:22 am

    Do not believe a word this evil Jesuit has to say he is a deception agent. The original old definition for a Jesuit was ‘a clever person who deceives the people.’ Anti-Pope Francis I is doing just this as he sneakily bringing in Crimen Sollicitationas and having Queen Elizabeth II hook into this with the Church of England through the Holyrood Agreement. Anyone talking about paedophilia in the church can be inquisitioned and imprisoned, in other words a cover-up job of the highest level. Ask this anti-Pope about his membership in the sick Novem Corona (Ninth Circle) and his majestic privilege. Ask them if they really did stop using sacrified childrens skins and blood to create Papal Bull living documents. Do not believe the synthetic or animal answers, it is all lies.

    -= The Unhived Mind