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  • Mar 24, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    21 March 2014 Last updated at 00:30 Share this pageEmailPrint

    Poor parent-child bonding ‘hampers learning’

    By Hannah Richardson

    The emotional bond a child secures with its parents has a greater impact on its education than previously thought, a report suggests.

    The Sutton Trust study says children’s early attachment to parents has far-reaching consequences for their ability to speak, learn and think.

    Parents who are insecure themselves find it harder to provide children with security, it says.

    And the report calls for more help so parents can develop such crucial bonds.

    The study focuses on the application of the theory of attachment – a key theory in child development and psychology.

    This says the degree to which children are secure and resilient as they grow up depends on their own early experiences with their mothers and fathers and how they have bonded.

    But the report from the Sutton Trust education charity, entitled Baby Bonds, makes the case that it has an important impact on children’s future educational chances as well as their emotional well-being.

    It is based on an analysis of more than 100 studies on the issue, including home visits and assessments and observations of children in a range of countries.

    The trust argues that although psychologists have been aware of attachment theory, it has not been seen by policy makers as a key influence on educational attainment. And it asks them to take this into account.


    The report says when babies and toddlers do not form these strong parental bonds – known as secure attachment – they are more likely to exhibit poor language and poor behaviour before they reach school.

    And it cites international studies which suggest this continues late into life, with insecure children more likely to leave school early or duck out of employment or training.

    They are also more likely to suffer from aggression, defiance and hyperactivity later in life.

    The Sutton Trust says its analysis of the research suggests that about 40% of children in the UK lack a secure attachment with their parents.

    Lead author Sophie Moullin said that when her team looked at large scale representative studies in a number of countries they all found, from their observations, that between 38% and 42% of children suffered from poor attachment in all the different study locations.

    She added: “Secure attachment really helps children with emotional and social development and at school it really helps them to manage their behaviour. These are the things that teachers will tell you that are stopping children from learning.

    “It’s really only as we understand more about these behaviour problems that we have decided that a lot of it goes back to this early bonding with parents.”

    Research director at the trust Conor Ryan said: “Better bonding between parents and babies could lead to more social mobility, as there is such a clear link to education, behaviour and future employment.

    “The educational divide emerges early in life, with a 19-month school readiness gap between the most and least advantaged children by the age of five.

    “This report clearly identifies the fundamental role secure attachment could have in narrowing that school readiness gap and improving children’s life chances.

    “More support from health visitors, children’s centres and local authorities in helping parents improve how they bond with young children could play a role in narrowing the education gap.”

    ·  theunhivedmind says:

    March 24, 2014 at 5:27 am

    This is why the Rockefeller family made sure it got woman into the workplace, it is not all just about making more tax money. The Rockefeller’s and their masters want control, not more money which they can just print up whenever they want to. Now the children are shipped out early to god knows who and where whilst the parents rush back to work without bonding for six long years with their child. This is another reason why the establishment love television and iPads because they know the parents then sit the children in front of these zombie creating devices. On top of all this is the vaccine and chemical assaults and before that there is the c-section birthing and non-human milk feeding all designed to scupper the beings’ proper brain development. A being that cannot think or communicate (linguistic minimalism agenda) is no longer a threat to the system and his current slave masters. Those who can think may some day end up finding the truth and then remove that slave master using the likes of the second amendment in the U.S Constitution. All a grand design by the likes of Bertrand Russell and friends. Study his book ‘The Impact of Science on Society.’ I think you should bare in mind that even the intelligent Jesuit Order admires Bertrand Russell. If you want to understand the actions of child bonding more then please read a book by a Jesuit soldier called Joseph Chilton Pearce called ‘The Magical Child.’

    -= The Unhived Mind

    sasquatch says:

    March 24, 2014 at 6:17 am

    All well said and I like the final touch (picture) sums up our reality nicely and what a sick reality it is. Spiritually evolving beings (I am reminded of what Jim pointed out with the language/true meaning of (hu)-man) choosing to behave like a domesticated herd. Then they can not see the forest for the trees and the 2 factions battling for the sheep farm with one side a militant religious order working for an ancient power. The other side is led by a Russian gangster and co. As entertaining as it is until the BRICS countries start talking about free energy I will be hard pressed to think they give a shit about humanity. If the Brazilian government protects the engineers developing the free energy device and Geo thermal power is mass developed only then will I start to have any hope for this toilet of a planet.

    theunhivedmind says:

    March 24, 2014 at 6:35 am

    I hear the Western propaganda in your words against Vladimir Putin, right now Putin is your only chance of sanity and stability in the World so be careful who thy back, I’d rather have Putin than these Venetian scum like John McCain a complete nutjob crazy. The people are not working spiritually they are in a drone like state bought about by various agents creating disease and thus putting the human body in a hypothalamus state rather than a pineal gland state. It is the pineal gland state which gives us our spiritual connection and makes us human beings. Notice how thyroid disease is up and notice the connection of this with the hypothalamus? There are always multiple agendas when you involve these nefarious ones.

    -= The Unhived Mind

    sasquatch says:

    March 24, 2014 at 8:53 am

    Not that they term Putin as a gangster it more comes down the possible allegations that Putin has spent the last 15 years gaining an increasing share in Gazprom. I’ll admit it is the internet so when people run around claiming that Putin has 70 billion dollars stashed away its hard to tell if it might just be possible. One of my closest friends has a mate with plenty of family in Ukraine and they are apparently copping it hard because they are against a Russian solution to Ukraine. Not that they would like to realize reality but they are a victim of circumstances. As for who I back hands down whether Putin is a gangster or not he is definitely better than religious enslaving nutjobs who haven’t realized Babylon was a long time ago.

    theunhivedmind says:

    March 24, 2014 at 9:07 am

    I think too many people are jealous of Gazprom and Russia rich natural resources that are not all in the dirty claws of The Worshipful Company of Fuellers. Hopefully Putin will keep the devil and its claws from getting its paws on Russia’s resources. China will get a lot of its energy needs from Russia but lets face it we knew this was coming anyway before the Venetian Empire destroys the Middle East as the U.S becomes the biggest oil exporter in the World. Its just all coming to play now as the Persian Gulf turns against US Foreign Policy and I just wonder.

    -= The Unhived Mind