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Google gets the gay flag into Russia to celebrate homosexuality at the Sochi

The Unhived Mind

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  • Feb 10, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    February 7, 2014 – 9:30amGOOGLE

    Google’s Doodle Celebrates Homosexuality at the Olympics

    Jamie Condliffe – Google’s new doodle takes aim at Russia’s anti-gay laws, with a rainbow Olympics logo greeting users who need to search the web.

    In response to Russia’s laws banning pro-gay “propaganda,” the search page also poignantly quotes the Olympic Charter:

    “The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.”

    The Doodle isn’t just being used in countries supportive of gay rights, either: it’s being used it in other countries, including the Russian version of Google. Well done, Google. Well done.

    theunhivedmind says:

    February 10, 2014 at 12:39 am

    The flag used for the same-sex community is made up of the rainbow colors. The rainbow God is in fact Lucifer and this is taught in the high levels of the occult. If you look at the colors of the flag you will see they are representing the Chakras of the body and even almost in the right order except reversed so the base chakra is first and crown is last. One of the chakras is missed out as the color is similar to the other and would not suit the style of flag designed wanted. Lucifer is the planet Venus which is both masculine and feminine represented by the upward five-pointed star and downward five-pointed star. Venus was known as Aphrodite and if we add the planet Mercury to the mix we get the hermaphrodite, the perfect divine being. The Statue of Liberty is really an hermaphrodite not a feminine. The planet Venus controls your heart and heart chakra. Some say the rainbow represents freedom. Freedom is a word that comes from the planet Venus known as Frija and the dome being the feminine root of five.

    -= The Unhived Mind