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Why Jews Push Homosexual Depravity

Brother Nathanael Kapner

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Feb. 3, 2014

JEWRY’S MUSIC ELITE united together in their slavish promotion of “marriage equality” for this year’s Grammy Awards.

“Marriage equality” is Jew-run Hollywood’s new term for pushing homosexual sex.

Grammy’s Jew producer, Ken Ehrlich, hyped this year’s depravity fest with “All things are possible on the Grammys. It’s what we do, one of the trademarks of this show.”

All things are indeed possible when it comes to promoting degenerate lifestyles and occult sorcery in the name of ‘entertainment’ when amoral Jews like Ehrlich are at the helm.

Perversion and demon worship is good business for Jews!

Last Sunday’s jewbilee was highlighted by homosexual couples exchanging ‘marriage’ vows before millions of viewers.