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Sex slavery of White women in Israel

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FW:  Jan. 28, 2014

Whether we're talking about the Medieval European slave trade of "heathen" non-Judeo-Christians, the enslavement of the Irish in America, the African slave trade, or the now-booming sex slavery of Slavic women in 'Israel', Jews have always been the force behind the perpetuation of these disgusting practices. They will do anything for money. Especially if it involves degrading society and aids in the subversion of non-Jews. Jews know that money equals power. So by entrenching themselves in non-taxable forms of trade, no matter how lowly and deplorable, they can ultimately funnel their mountains of bloody cash into the political spectrum where they can buy off the decision making process with ease.




TEL AVIV - Thousands of women are being smuggled into Israel, creating a booming sex trade industry that rakes more than USD one billion a year, a parliamentary committee said on Wednesday.


The Parliamentary Inquiry Committee, headed by Knesset member Zehava Galon of the left-wing Yahad party, commissioned the report in an effort to combat the sex trade in Israel. Findings showed that some 3,000 and 5,000 women are smuggled to Israel annually and sold into the prostitution industry, where they are constantly subjected to violence and abuse.


The report, issued annually, said some 10,000 such women currently reside in about 300 to 400 brothels throughout the country. They are traded for about USD 8,000 – USD 10,000, the committee said.


Israel passed a law in 2003 that would allow the state to confiscate the profits of traffickers, but watchdog groups say it is rarely enforced.


Most foreign prostitutes in Israel come from Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Russia and many are smuggled in across the Egyptian border.


The committee found that the women work seven days a week for up to 18 hours every day and that out of the NIS 120 paid by customers, they are left with just NIS 20, while the rest of the money is passed on to their traders.


The prostitutes face constant threats of abuse and murder, the report said, and Israeli law does little to help them. Delays in trial dates and prolonged hearings force the women to remain exposed to violence for more than a year until they are called in to provide testimony, and courts rarely collect early testimonies, as permitted by law.