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  • Dec 1, 2013
  • theunhivedmind

    1 December 2013 Last updated at 16:19

    MP John Hemming to raise Essex forced Caesarean claim

    An MP is to raise the case of a woman who he says had her baby forcibly removed by Caesarean section, and taken by social services in Essex.

    Liberal Democrat John Hemming said the Italian woman had had a panic attack linked to her bipolar disorder and was sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

    She was sedated after authorities obtained a court order.

    Essex County Council, which allegedly took the baby into care, said it could not comment on “ongoing” cases.

    It is understood the woman was pregnant when she came to the UK to work for Stansted Airport in 2012.

    Up for adoption

    Mr Hemming, MP for Birmingham Yardley and chairman of the Justice for Families Campaign, said he planned to raise the case in Parliament.

    He claims to have seen documents proving Essex social services obtained a court order for a Caesarean section, and for the child to be taken into care.

    He said the girl, who is now 15 months old, was still in the care of Essex social services and was being put up for adoption.

    Solicitor Brendan Fleming issued a statement in which he said he had been instructed by the woman’s lawyers but would not discuss the case.

    “We remain committed to fighting for our clients and shall fight tooth and nail to help mother be reunited with her baby,” it said.

    A council spokesperson said: “Essex County Council does not comment on the circumstances of ongoing individual cases involving vulnerable people and children.”

    theunhivedmind says:

    December 1, 2013 at 11:14 pm

    First of all the UK has zero rights to remove any child from anyone outside of the nation. Italy may think it has a right to do the same but even they cannot do such a thing. The corporation of Italy claims ownership of the corporation on the birth certificate which is of course supposedly this woman. If this woman has also had a marriage then they have more of a claim to the child since the marriage certificate signing granted ownership and power over that sexual product. So do you think the UK has any chance of these rights unless the woman is a UK citizen? Of course they do not. Also the Mental Health Act is an act of parliament (statute) which means it needs acceptance by the governed. Common Law is the highest law of the land in England and cannot be trumped by statutes and UCC/Admiralty (Roman Civil Law). Make sure you never sign for a birth certificate and never ever get married and sign for a marriage certificate. The state believes it can control you as it claims all of the people are mentally insane since the creation of the birth certificate. This is why they make you jump through hoops for licenses to do the simplest of tasks. You must be insane to accept becoming a dead fictional corporation right? A child without a birth certificate cannot be controlled by any state. What we have here is a violation on the woman and now the UK Police State will have quickly created a birth certificate to grant them false control over the newly created slave to the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666, the dead soul beyond the sea to be mastered by the Templar Bar and Crown Corporation. This child has seven years to prove it is living and not beyond the sea. Of course the police state will never accept it is a divine being who’s blood flows and flesh lives. The police state is the biggest dictatorship on Earth and as corrupt as they can be. They no longer even follow their own laws, systems and remedies. This C-Section has also hindered the child’s intelligence and immunity so they have violated and injured yet another innocent being.

    -= The Unhived Mind