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Famous Hackers Make Headlines Again–Demanding Justice For Two Kids–Drugged & Raped!

Global Research Report

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Oct. 21, 2013



“I thought I was dead at first,” Daisy later told local station KCUR. “I was really confused. I was, like: what is happening? I couldn’t even make sense of anything.”-The Guardian

Famous hackers and freedom fighters, Anonymous, seeks justice on behalf of two helpless, young girls who were drugged, raped, and one, left to die, unconscious in the cold. Find out more below:

Greetings, World. We are #OpMaryville.

Two young girls have been raped in the town of Maryville, Missouri. Another high school football star, the grandson of a Missouri state official, has walked free. The people of Maryville turned their backs on these victims and one family has been forced to flee the town. After they left, their house was burned to the ground.

On January 8th, a 14-year-old girl named Daisy and her 13-year-old friend were both raped in Maryville.  Evidence of this assault was captured on film. Daisy’s unconscious body was later dumped into her family’s yard, left alone for hours in freezing weather. One of Daisy’s attackers was initially in police custody, where he admitted to having sex with her while she was under the influence. He claimed it was consensual. The hospital states the young girl’s blood alcohol level was almost twice the legal limit and they discovered three tears inside of her body, 2-4 inches

in length.

This suspect rapist is Matthew Barnett, a student at the University of Central Missouri. He’s the grandson of Missouri state Representative, Rex Barnett. We demand an immediate investigation into the handling by local authorities of Daisy’s case. Why were the suspects initially arrested and then released? How was video and medical evidence not enough to put one of these football players inside a court room? What is the connection of these prosecutors, if any, to Rep. Rex Barnett? Most of all, We are wondering, how do the residents of Maryville sleep at night?

And, here is an excerpt from The Guardian

Anonymous accused Maryville, population 12,000, of turning its back on the two victims of the January 2012 incident.. Photo: Jeff Blackler / Rex Features

Tuesday 15 October 2013 17.41 EDTA small Missouri town has hunkered down amid a campaign by hackers and activists who accuse it of shielding high school football players from rape and sexual exploitation charges. Officials in Maryville declined interview requests on Tuesday as the story of two girls who were assaulted, ostracised and harassed went viral, putting the town under the spotlight.

The hacker group Anonymous and other social media activists vowed to pursue justice for one of the victim’s families, which fled Maryville, abandoning a home that subsequently burned down. The case drew comparisons to Steubenville, Ohio, where in March two high school football stars were convicted of raping a teenage girl after a trial that polarised opinion and prompted claims of cover-up.

Anonymous accused Maryville, population 12,000, of turning its back on the two victims of the January 2012 incident. “If Maryville won’t defend these young girls, if the police are too cowardly or corrupt to do their jobs, if (the) justice system has abandoned them, then we will have to stand for them.”

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