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Trail Life USA, New Alternative To Boy Scouts Will Also Admit Gays

Dave Jolly

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Sept. 18, 2013

Earlier this year, the Boy Scouts of America decided to lower their standards and Christian values due to the relentless pressure of gay activists.  They voted to allow gay scouts into what started out as a Christian organization for boys.

Not long after, a group of men, some of which had spent years with the Boy Scouts, announced that they were forming a new scout-like organization for boys that would be Bible-based and Christ centered.  This new organization recently held a convention in Nashville to officially launch their group – Trail Life USA.  Their motto is ‘Walk Worthy.”

The auditorium was packed with 1200 people, anxiously waiting to get in on the ground floor of the new organization.  Men from 44 different states were in attendance and like the leaders of Trail Life USA, most of them had been involved with the Boy Scouts and left when they opened the doors to homosexuals.

Randy Sharp, Director of Special Projects was in attendance and told OneNewNow:

“It’s exciting to see that these men and these boys are saying, We’re going to stand on the truth – and when the organization we’ve been aligned with for so many years varies from God’s Word, then we’re going to move on.”


“It’s God-honoring. It’s very Christ-centered.  We got a sneak peek at some of the curriculum, some of the handbook material, and we were amazed to find that on the edges of the pages were scripture for the boys to learn, to read, to meditate on, and to memorize.”

This all sounds great and promising, but I caution you to tread lightly and do some investigating into Trail Life USA before getting involved or allowing your sons to join.  As much as Trail Life USA claims to be Bible based and Christ centered, they, like the Boy Scouts will allow gay boys to join.  Earlier this summer when it was announced that the organization was forming, one of the men involved, John Stemberger, Founder of OnMYHonor.Net, said that they will not question a boys’ sexuality nor will they refuse to admit gays.

John Green, another man involved with the group stated earlier this summer:

“In addition, the organization’s membership policy will focus on sexual purity rather than sexual orientation.  The policy will read, in part: ‘the proper context for sexual relations is only between a man and a woman in the covenant of marriage.’”

So what makes them any different than the Boy Scouts?  The Boy Scouts publicly admitted that they will admit gays, while Trail Life, who will do the same thing, is being more quiet about it.  How can you leave one organization for doing something that you will be doing also?  How can they teach biblical doctrine and then turn around and admit homosexuals into their midst?  How are they going to handle verses like Lev. 18:22 when they admit gays:

“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.”

They say they are going to teach sexual purity, but how can a homosexual be sexually pure when their desires are an abomination to God?  Are the leaders of Trail Life being hypocritical in their words and actions?  Just like a spot of yeast in a batch of bread dough, one compromise with Scripture will eventually infect the whole organization of Trail Life and harm their Christian witness and their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Whether Boy Scouts or Trail Life, your son could find himself in a tent with a homosexual who just may have impure desires on your son.  Do you want to expose them to that sort of temptation or situation?  Before you get too excited over Trail Life USA, check them out and tread cautiously.