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June 10, 2013

It’s funny.  Growing up one of the first things your mommy and daddy taught you was not to lie.  Around five or six years old, depending on how well read your parents were, you were told the George Washington “I cannot tell a lie” story, which was fiction of course but played well for the times. Telling a lie was dealt with stringently at every level as in every aspect of life it was disgraceful and reprehensible. 

I didn’t know anyone that lied.  Not in middle school, not in high school, not in college.  In my career with General Electric Company I never met anyone that lied.  Heck, even the General Electric Company prided itself on living by “the letter and the spirit of the law.”  We employees were constantly reminded of that mantra and it was not just talk. 

My heroes were honorable men.  Men like Ulysses S. Grant, William Tecumseh Sherman, Robert E. Lee. Dwight D. Eisenhower, George S. Patton, George Washington, Harry S. Truman, Adeli Stevenson, Horatio Nelson, Winston Churchill, Vince Lombardi, and John Wooden; all men of honor.  They never lied!  They never came close to telling a lie.

In 2008 I knew that Barack Hussein Obama was a lie.  I knew that he had magically became a full fledged American, out of nowhere, and it was all talk and zero substance.  I knew that in 1992 he had written a book, a bad book, that was never published.  I knew that for this book he had self-written his own biographical sketch at the publishers request.  I knew that this sketch said in his own words that he was born in Kenya.  I also knew that in 2004 when he ran for the United States Senate, publications in Chicago and in his native Kenya headlined his effort as a Kenyan running for the U.S. Senate. 

Oh but now with this man, even thinking about researching the truth, makes you a racist, a birther, a conspiracy kook.  It makes you the number one enemy of fifty percent of the American population living on the fruits of labor of the other fifty percent.  Never mind that everyone should be asking the questions that I am asking. 

  • How did he travel around the world as a student without any visible means of support?
  • How did he buy a multimillion dollar home in Chicago as a lowly state senator?
  • Who actually wrote his books as those who actually have contact with him do not see them as something he could write?
  • Why are his records blocked from the public – the only President in the history of the United States to have this done?
  • Why is it that no one who attended Columbia at the same time or any professors knew him?
  • Where is the birth certificate – the one posted on is not it?

Which brings me to the question of Barack Hussein Obama’s constant lies.  He is the classic congenital liar.  He lies so much that they don’t seem like lies anymore.  He certainly doesn’t think of them as lies much as a Muslim uses “taqiyya” to pull the wool over non-Muslim eyes.  They aren’t lies if the end justifies the means.

  • He lied from the beginning about the differences in the policies of George Bush and what he would do.
  • He lied about being transparent which couldn’t be farther from the truth
  • He lied about Gitmo
  • He lied numerous times about ObamaCare; every facet of it
  • He lied about the Stimulus and shovel ready jobs and joked about it later
  • He lied about “Fast and Furious”; the intent, who knew what and when
  • He lied openly and blatantly about Benghazi and sent others out to do it also
  • He lied about an honorable honest man in Mitt Romney during the 2012 campaign
  • He is lying about the IRS scandal
  • He is lying about the Associated Press scandal
  • He is lying about the NSA data mining of American Citizens

I can’t say it any better that the Liberal Television host says it in the video attached here:

Notice that he minces no words.  Uses no conditional phrases, no beating around the bush comments, no indirect statements.  He just says clearly and concisely that Barack Hussein Obama is a liar.  He is correct. 

What has happened to America?  Anyone can see that this president is of low moral character, that he has single handedly lowered the station of the presidency.  That he alone has made the office small.  Why do Americans and especially the Congress accept his lies without objection and without talking action?

I for one had heroes that never lied.  Duty, honor, country meant something.  It did not mean “the end justifies the means!



http:// It’s funny. Growing up one of the first things your mommy and daddy taught you was not to lie. Around five or six years old, depending on how well read your parents were, you were told the George Washington “I cannot tell a lie” story, which was fiction of course but played well for the times. Telling a lie was dealt with stringently at every level as in every aspect of life it was disgraceful and reprehensible. I didn’t know anyone that lied. Not in middle school, not in high school, not in college. In my career with General Electric Company I never met anyone that lied. Heck, even the General Electric Company prided itself on living by “the letter and the spirit of the law.” We employees were constantly reminded of that mantra and it was not just talk. My heroes were honorable men. Men like Ulysses S. Grant, William Tecumseh Sherman, Robert E. Lee. Dwight D. Eisenhower, George S. Patton, George Washington, Harry S. Truman, Adeli Stevenson, Horatio Nelson, Winston Churchill, Vince Lombardi, and John Wooden; all men of honor. They never lied! They never came close to telling a lie. In 2008 I knew that Barack Hussein Obama was a lie. I knew that he had magically became a full fledged American, out of nowhere, and it was all talk and zero substance. I knew that in 1992 he had written a book, a bad book, that was never published. I knew that for this book he had self-written his own biographical sketch at the publishers request. I knew that this sketch said in his own words that he was born in Kenya. I also knew that in 2004 when he ran for the United States Senate, publications in Chicago and in his native Kenya headlined his effort as a Kenyan running for the U.S. Senate. Oh but now with this man, even thinking about researching the truth, makes you a racist, a birther, a conspiracy kook. It makes you the number one enemy of fifty percent of the American population living on the fruits of labor of the other fifty percent. Never mind that everyone should be asking the questions that I am asking. How did he travel around the world as a student without any visible means of support? How did he buy a multimillion dollar home in Chicago as a lowly state senator? Who actually wrote his books as those who actually have contact with him do not see them as something he could write? Why are his records blocked from the public – the only President in the history of the United States to have this done? Why is it that no one who attended Columbia at the same time or any professors knew him? Where is the birth certificate – the one posted on is not it? Which brings me to the question of Barack Hussein Obama’s constant lies. He is the classic congenital liar. He lies so much that they don’t seem like lies anymore. He certainly doesn’t think of them as lies much as a Muslim uses “taqiyya” to pull the wool over non-Muslim eyes. They aren’t lies if the end justifies the means. He lied from the beginning about the differences in the policies of George Bush and what he would do. He lied about being transparent which couldn’t be farther from the truth He lied about Gitmo He lied numerous times about ObamaCare; every facet of it He lied about the Stimulus and shovel ready jobs and joked about it later He lied about “Fast and Furious”; the intent, who knew what and when He lied openly and blatantly about Benghazi and sent others out to do it also He lied about an honorable honest man in Mitt Romney during the 2012 campaign He is lying about the IRS scandal He is lying about the Associated Press scandal He is lying about the NSA data mining of American Citizens I can’t say it any better that the Liberal Television host says it in the video attached here: Notice that he minces no words. Uses no conditional phrases, no beating around the bush comments, no indirect statements. He just says clearly and concisely that Barack Hussein Obama is a liar. He is correct. What has happened to America? Anyone can see that this president is of low moral character, that he has single handedly lowered the station of the presidency. That he alone has made the office small. Why do Americans and especially the Congress accept his lies without objection and without talking action? I for one had heroes that never lied. Duty, honor, country meant something. It did not mean “the end justifies the means! WITH BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, THE END TRULY JUSTIFIES THE MEANS, AND HIS MEANS IS TO FULLY USE “TAQIYYA” TO CONTINUE PULLING THE WOOL OVER THE TAXPAYERS OF THE UNITED STATES. /contributor/pages/82/063/bio.html