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Jesuit Pope Francis admits there is a gay lobby at the highest levels of the Vatican

The Unhived Mind [UHM]

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June 12, 2013 1:19 am theunhivedmind 1 Comment

Pope admits there is a ‘gay lobby’ at the highest levels of the Vatican

Pope Francis acknowledged its long-rumoured existence for the first time

Argentine Pontiff made remarks in audience with Latin American Catholics

He also said there was a ‘current of corruption’ in the Roman Curia

PUBLISHED: 17:09, 11 June 2013 | UPDATED: 17:09, 11 June 2013

Pope Francis has acknowledged the existence of a ‘gay lobby’ inside the Vatican’s secretive administration for the first time.

Speaking during an audience with Latin American Catholics, the Argentine Pontiff said that there was a ‘current of corruption’ in the Roman Curia – the central governing body of the Catholic Church.

He also admitted the existence of a long-rumoured ‘gay lobby’ in the Curia, and hinted that he might take action over the issue.

Speaking in his native Spanish last Thursday, the 76-year-old told the CLAR (the Latin American and Caribbean

Confederation of Religious Men and Women): ‘In the Curia, there are truly some saints, but there is also a current of corruption.

‘There is talk of a ‘gay lobby’ and it’s true, it exists,’ he said, in a report on Chilean website Reflexion y Liberacion. ‘We will have to see what we can do.’

The Argentine pope has made reforming the Roman Curia—the heavily criticised and intrigue-filled administration of the Catholic Church—a keystone of his papacy, but said it would be ‘difficult’.

‘I cannot carry out the reforms myself,’ he said, explaining that he was ‘very disorganised.’

For that reason, the task will be handled by a commission of eight cardinals from around the world whom Pope Francis appointed in April to help him govern the Catholic Church.

They are set to meet for the first time in October.

When the previous Pope, Benedict XVI, announced his decision to retire, many suspected the work of the rumoured gay lobby at the heart of the Curia.

theunhivedmind on June 12, 2013 at 1:29 am said:

The role of the Jesuits is to start openly destroying the Roman cult and the Catholic Church. The Jesuits have created all which is aligned to the Vatican and now they are using their creations to aid the destruction of the Catholic Church and to smell of sweet roses as they do it. The Jesuits goal was always to destroy the Catholic Church and especially after 1773. These Aragon Templars want to bring about a new world religion called the Luciferian Doctrine. Do not fall for Pope Francis being a good guy in truth he is far worse than Pope Benedict XVI. Pope Francis is a Jesuit subordinate to the Jesuit General at the Curia Generalizia. If he steps out of line then Francis is killed for breaking his extreme oath. What we are witnessing and going through is the transition phase into the new-age of Aqaurius as we leave the age of Pisces behind and Christianity with it including Catholicism which has masqueraded as Christianity for far too long. Do a study into the Grand Lodge Ekklesia.

-= The Unhived Mind