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Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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March 27, 2013

Common sense and a quick read of the Constitution say there is no such thing as a legal right to same-sex “marriage” in America. Please see my update regarding yesterday’s oral argument on California’s Proposition 8 before the United States Supreme Court – Mat.
Yesterday, the High Court heard the oral argument in Hollingsworth v. Perry on Proposition 8, the California ballot initiative defining marriage as being reserved to being the union of one man and one woman.
Proposition 8 passed by a wide majority of California voters in 2008. In court, a homosexual federal judge in San Francisco declared Proposition 8 unconstitutional, and later, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the judge’s ruling.
++This case has the greatest national implications of any case brought before the Supreme Court in many years.  
No one can predict how the Court will ultimately rule on the Prop 8 case, but based on the oral arguments that were presented yesterday, it is possible a majority of Justices could rule that the proponents of Prop 8 lack standing and simply dismiss the case. 
If that happens, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling would be dismissed, leaving perhaps only the Northern District of California court ruling. This would mean the ruling would apply only to the northern part of California. 
It is unwise to lend credence to predictions on how the Court might come down.  It is, however, always wise to pray for the Justices’ deliberations!
It is possible the Court could even dismiss the district court ruling and save the issue of same-sex “marriage” for another case a few years down the road. 
And, of course, there is always the possibility the Court could issue a limited ruling…or a broad ruling on the matter.  No one knows at this point.
++The Supreme Court’s credibility is on the line.
If the Court goes the wrong way and rules that there is somehow found to be a “constitutional right to same-sex marriage,” it will become, in my view, an illegitimate arbiter of the rule of law. 
In that unfortunate event, the United States Supreme Court will have lost its legitimacy in its entirety, and will have simply morphed into a cog in the “liberal progressive” political machine. 
++The definition of marriage is not up for reinterpretation!
The natural family is fundamental to our very existence. This institution is a gift from our loving Creator.
Thriving societies need healthy children who grow up into responsible citizens. Healthy children require committed parents who will sacrifice their own desires for the well-being of their children. This is all created within the context of natural marriage between one man and one woman. 
Today, the Justices heard the oral argument on the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defines marriage as being “between one man and one woman.” It is a  federal law which passed overwhelmingly in 1996 and was signed into law by then-President Bill Clinton.
President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have deemed DOMA to be unconstitutional and have openly refused to defend the law. In fact, they used the power of the White House to try to intimidate the Court through briefs asking the Justices to rule in favor of same-sex marriage!  
Last month, Liberty Counsel filed two extensive amicus briefs with the Court on this pair of enormously significant marriage cases. 
The Supreme Court will rule on both cases before the end of its term in June.  
These rulings will be among the most watched and studied holdings in our nation’s history. The rulings will do much to define (or redefine) our nation’s families, culture, and economy.  They will also greatly impact religious institutions in our nation.    
++The social reengineering of our nation. 
We are at a pivotal point in our nation’s history. Nothing could do more to shape the future of America than the Supreme Court’s upcoming decisions on the definition of marriage.  
Liberty Counsel will never abandon our vigorous defense of natural marriage! 
Liberty Counsel has been deeply involved in legal advocacy on both of these crucial cases for many years now. We’ve defended DOMA and the definition of marriage in almost 50 cases in state and federal courts. And our work is far from over, regardless of how the Court rules on these cases!
Marriage is an institution ordained by God to nurture mankind and rightly order procreation through the generations. The natural family is fundamental to our society’s very existence
That’s why our intense legal advocacy for natural marriage is so important and why Liberty Counsel will never stop fighting for this vital institution!
Let me encourage you to make a special gift to help cover the growing cost of Liberty Counsel’s extensive litigation work and our principled stand in defense of natural marriage.  
Please click here to give a substantial gift to help Liberty Counsel stand in defense of the God-given institution of marriage:
++Radical social engineers must not be allowed to prevail!
President Obama made it clear in his State of the Union address that he intends to make the acceptance of “gay marriage” in our nation part of his second term agenda.  
The fact is, Liberty Counsel cannot take on Barack Obama’s Department of Justice (DOJ) and the powerful lobbyists and attorneys representing radical groups without your help!
We need your help now more than ever to stand against the legal bullies pushing the Left’s radical agenda. 
Click here to give your best gift possible as, together, we stand for the God-ordained institution of marriage:
Thank you so much for your prayers and support as we deal with the rising tide of legislative and legal attacks on the God-given institution of marriage in America.
May God bless you!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Please pray for the Justices of the Supreme Court this week.  And pray for our nation!   
President Obama and his administration have proven to be the most hostile presidency in American history toward marriage and the family.  Barack Obama’s radical policies undermine marriage and morality, and ultimately do great harm to children and the society at large. 
We must work together to stop the onslaught of radical pro-homosexual activism. Please help us with a special gift today!
For information on the multi-faceted work in which the Liberty Counsel family of ministries engages – or to make comments – please visit our new website:

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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776