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Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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March 16, 2013

Comment made by PHB:  Creator God's Laws are absolute.  Homosexuality is totally in opposition to God's Laws of human relations.  To defy God's Law shall be your demise.  Be wise and maintain your moral standards in our wayward society.  ---PHB


The Boy Scouts of America headquarters office is asking you for your input about their policy prohibiting open homosexuals from participating in the Scouting program.  
We need to respond to their request in force because pro-homosexual activists are making a major effort to bury the Scouts with responses from their misguided perspective!  
++The Boy Scouts’ moral stand was almost “hijacked”!
January 28th, when the news broke about the BSA’s reconsideration of their policy, it launched a barrage of activity on both sides of this hotly contested issue.  
In fact, Liberty Counsel delivered a quickly-gathered number of petitions, along with your signature, Patrick, to the Board of Directors on the day of the anticipated vote. 
The petition, calling on the Scouts to stay morally straight, amassed over 20,000 signatures in just 48 hours!  
The BSA’s vote, which was supposed to take place out of the public eye, was ultimately postponed until their next meeting in May. 
Now they are soliciting comments from Americans to get the pulse of the nation before their May board meetings.  
++Liberty Counsel will respond to the Scouts’ request!
We have added a comment section on our Boy Scouts of America petition page, which will allow you to add a comment to be included in our next petition delivery.  
I am asking you to take a moment to add your comments to the petition, which will be delivered to the BSA headquarters prior to the end of the open comment period and prior to their board’s all-important vote in May.  
The more comments we include, the stronger the statement will be!  I assure you that those who oppose our viewpoint will be rallying their base to force the Scouts to cave in to their pressure and change their group’s pro-moral policy.  
Click here now to add your comments to the petition:    
Here are a few suggested comments, if you need them…
  • Dear Boy Scouts:  Please do not backtrack on your core values.  I urge you to maintain the moral integrity of your organization by not changing your ban on homosexual participation. 
  • Dear Boy Scouts: Do not change your ban on homosexual participation in your organization. For over 100 years, your group has maintained the highest of moral standards.  Please do not fall prey to current activist pressures. 
  • Dear Boy Scouts: Please do not change your ban on homosexuals participating in the Scouts. Such a policy change would violate the moral values inherent in the Scout Law and Oath, and it would be a slap in the face to the churches, religious organizations, and local volunteers who sponsor and fund the vast majority of Scout troops.
  • Dear Boy Scouts: For more than a century, the Boy Scouts represented cherished American values. Do not abandon your principles. Say “no” to the pressure being put on you to change your policy on homosexual participation. I believe the result would be disastrous. 
  • Dear BSA Board of Directors: Scouting should hold firm to the transcendent values the organization has long promoted, demonstrating the courage that is asked of every Boy Scout. Do not cave to activist. Stand strong on your time-proven policy! 
Please, take a minute right now to help us encourage the Boy Scouts to hold to their principles by encouraging your likeminded friends, family, church members, or social groups to join you in signing this petition today! Add your comments today and share this petition link everywhere you possibly can: 
++Be sure to get your copy of "Stolen Honor, Stolen Innocence: How America Was Betrayed by the Lies and Sexual Crimes of a Mad ‘Scientist’.” 
We greatly appreciate friends like you who are standing with Liberty Counsel as we work to restore the moral integrity of our nation, and usher in a New Birth of Freedom in 2013!
That’s why I believe Dr. Judith Reisman's latest book, “Stolen Honor, Stolen Innocence: How America Was Betrayed by the Lies and Sexual Crimes of a Mad ‘Scientist’” is a book that you will find extremely enlightening.   
The (truly) mad scientist who secretly spawned an immoral and perverted sexual revolution was Professor Alfred Kinsey, author of the famous Kinsey Reports on human sexuality. 
When I talked with Dr. Reisman about our campaign to encourage the Boy Scouts to hold the line against pro-homosexual activism, she told me something very interesting about Alfred Kinsey…
The “father of the sexual revolution” in America honed his predatory practices on younger men while “serving” as a boy’s camp counselor in his young adulthood!
I feel Judith Reisman’s powerful book answers the question, “How did we get to the place that the Boy Scouts of America might send young men on camping trips with homosexual Troop leaders?”
Dr. Reisman has conclusively proven how Kinsey's frauds gutted our child and family protective laws, as well as justified Planned Parenthood's school sex education, Hugh Hefner's pornography plague, and the "gay rights" movement.  The Kinsey Institute still gets millions of your tax dollars. 
Dr. Judith Reisman’s book is a scathing indictment of Kinsey’s bogus studies – and shows the indisputable link to America’s moral decline.   
You can read a longer discussion of Judith’s important book and see its contents by clicking here:
Please consider a gift to Liberty Counsel and obtain your copy of our publishing arm, New Revolution Publishers,’ powerful new book "Stolen Honor, Stolen Innocence!" 
Thank you for your support and for taking action with us!  
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Be sure to add your comment to the BSA petition today:  
For more information on our call for the scouts to remain morally straight, visit Liberty Connect: 
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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776