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Cultural battle over marriage and family intensifies!

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Feb. 27, 2013


In recent months, the Obama administration has added its clout to the already influential pro-homosexual lobby and they appear to be succeeding in their efforts to redefine the words “family” and “marriage” in American culture.

With the administration’s maniacal attempts to destroy the foundations of our society, it is no exaggeration to say that America’s very existence is at stake!

We are at a pivotal point in our nation’s history. Nothing will define the future of America more than the Supreme Court’s upcoming decisions on the definition of marriage!  Please read my urgent message below – Mat.

Next month, the Supreme Court will hear arguments on both sides of the same-sex “marriage” debate when they take on two highly controversial cases. Under the Court’s scrutiny will be California’s Proposition 8, the law banning same-sex unions in that state, and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), a federal law which defines marriage as being solely between one man and one woman.

In recent weeks, Liberty Counsel filed two extensive amicus briefs with the United States Supreme Court on this pair of enormously significant marriage cases.

The Court will rule before the end of its term in June. 

These rulings will be among the most watched and studied cases in our nation’s history. The results will define (or redefine) our nation’s families, culture, and economy.  They will certainly impact religious institutions in our nation.   

++Same-sex “marriage” proponents are on the march!

Last Friday, the Obama administration filed a brief urging the Supreme Court to strike down the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

The administration’s brief alleges that DOMA is discriminatory because it does not extend federal benefits to same-sex couples.

President Obama and his administration have become the most hostile presidencies in American history toward marriage and the family!  Barack Obama’s radical policies undermine marriage and morality, and ultimately do great harm to children and society.

In fact, President Obama’s advocacy of anti-family and anti-marriage policies is shameful!  No wonder Newsweek Magazine proclaimed him to be America’s “first gay president”!

Recognizing natural marriage as the union of one man and one woman is the first foundation of a stable and healthy culture!

The federal DOMA affirms this commonsense definition.  Granting same-sex unions the status of “marriage” would also establish the irresponsible and dangerous policy that children do not need moms and dads to prosper.

++Liberty Counsel will never abandon our vigorous defense of natural marriage!

Liberty Counsel has been deeply involved in legal advocacy on both of these crucial cases for many years now. We’ve defended DOMA and the definition of marriage in almost 50 cases in state and federal courts. And our work is far from over!

The battleground settings for Liberty Counsel’s aggressive defense of natural marriage and the family have been many and diverse.  For instance, on April 15, I will present oral argument to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco on why California’s “change therapy” law – a new law that restricts counselors in that state to only affirm homosexuality or face fines and the loss of their counseling licenses – is completely unconstitutional!

That’s right!  Radical homosexual activists pushed through a bill in California that makes it illegal to help patients overcome homosexual attractions – even if the patient requests such help!

Thankfully, we were able to prevent the law from going into effect on January 1, 2013, as scheduled, pending a review in federal court.  But we must win in San Francisco or this absurd, anti-First Amendment law will go into immediate effect!

Liberty Counsel must always be ready to confront radical pro-homosexual activists whenever and wherever they start their next assault on marriage and the family.  Even when not actively engaged in litigation (which isn’t often these days), our litigation team must be on the lookout and devising new arguments and strategies.

Here’s the situation:  Radicals across the nation have been greatly emboldened by the President’s support from his “bully pulpit.”  Outrageous new anti-family initiatives are literally popping up across the nation! 

++We will not allow pro-homosexual activists to destroy the sanctity of marriage in America!

Marriage is not simply an artifact of law needed to regulate government benefits and determine domestic rights and duties. 

Rather, it is an institution ordained of God to nurture mankind and rightly order procreation through the generations. The natural family is fundamental to our very existence!

That’s why our intense legal advocacy for natural marriage is so important and why Liberty Counsel will never stop fighting for this vital institution.

Let me encourage you to make a special gift to help cover the growing cost of Liberty Counsel’s extensive litigation work and our principled stand in defense of natural marriage. 

Please click here to give a substantial gift to help Liberty Counsel stand in defense of marriage:

I am incensed that another assault is being launched by the Obama administration to appease the homosexual community at the expense of the God-ordained institution of marriage and the clear will of the American people!

I promise you, Liberty Counsel will NEVER stand by silently as the Obama administration, activist judges, and/or radical pro-homosexual groups attack the American family!

We need your help now more than ever to stand against the legal bullies pushing the Left’s radical agenda. The fact is, however, Liberty counsel cannot stand against Barack Obama’s Department of Justice (DOJ) and the powerful lobbyists and attorneys representing radical groups without your help!

Click here to give your best gift possible as, together, we stand for the God-ordained institution of marriage:

Thank you so much for your prayers and support as we stand against the rising tide of legislative and legal attacks on the God-given institution of marriage.

May God bless you!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. We must work together to stop the onslaught of radical pro-homosexual activism. Please help us with a special gift today!

For information on the multi-faceted work in which the Liberty Counsel family of ministries engages – or to make comments – please visit our new website:

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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776