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Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Feb. 15, 2013



You and I weren’t supposed to know that the Boy Scouts of America Board of Directors were going to have a dialogue in their early February meeting about lifting the ban on accepting practicing homosexuals.

In fact, we only knew about the Board’s discussion and pending vote because the information was leaked! 

The New York Times broke the story of the leak, and the BSA has acknowledged that the Board’s dialogue was supposed to be held in confidence.

“‘We are amazingly sorry with the fact that this got out and got ahead of us,’ said Tico A. Perez, scouting’s national commissioner …‘Someone leaked the information.’”

The report also said that Perez was “frustrated that the discussion had been hijacked.”


++What was being “hijacked” was the Scouts’ moral integrity!

January 28th, when the news broke, launched a barrage of activity on both sides of this hotly contested issue. 

In fact, Liberty Counsel delivered our petition, along with your signature Patrick, to the Board of Directors both at Scout headquarters in Irving, Texas, and the Dallas-area hotel where the meeting was being held on the day of the anticipated vote.

The LC petition, calling on the Scouts to stay morally straight, gathered over 20,000 signatures in just 48 hours! 

You may know the result of the Board meeting – the BSA’s vote was postponed until their next meeting on May 22nd.  This was a temporary victory over radical pro-homosexual activism, and we’ll take it – for now.  

++Pro-homosexual bullying is taking a huge toll on America.

Just imagine if the scout leadership had approved this enormous policy change.  I believe the outcry from conservative organizations and churches, which are home to many active Scout Troops, would have been catastrophic for the organization.

The fact remains that the BSA’s executive leadership and its Board of Directors are under extreme pressure to change their decades-old policy of banning openly practicing homosexuals from participating in the Scouting program.

They are under intense assault to lift their ban by radical pro-homosexual groups and mainstream organizations which have already caved to the pressures of these radical groups.

Several of the BSA’s sitting board members are leaders in major corporations who have already implemented pro-homosexual advocacies within their organizations. Now they are pressuring the BSA to do the same – or face the possibility of losing their corporate financial support.

++Soon, this cultural battle will explode again!

This issue has several more weeks to intensify before the May BSA Board Meeting.  If passed, the change of policy would begin the drastic decline of an organization that has long made a positive contribution to the moral climate of our nation.

My colleague, Matt Barber, called the proposed policy change “Gay-Activist-Assisted Suicide.”

We must take action and deliver as many strongly worded petitions as possible in advance of the BSA vote! 

That means I must have every name we can muster to be included in our next petition delivery. 

Please help us encourage the Boy Scouts to hold to their principles by encouraging your likeminded friends, family, church members, or social groups to join you in signing this petition today! Share this petition link everywhere you possibly can.

++Be sure to get your copy of "Stolen Honor, Stolen Innocence: How America Was Betrayed by the Lies and Sexual Crimes of a Mad ‘Scientist'

We greatly appreciate friends like you who are standing with Liberty Counsel as we work to restore the moral integrity of our nation, and usher in a New Birth of Freedom in 2013!

That’s why I believe Dr. Judith Reisman's latest book, “Stolen Honor, Stolen Innocence: How America Was Betrayed by the Lies and Sexual Crimes of a Mad ‘Scientist’” is a book that you will find extremely enlightening.  

The (truly) mad scientist who secretly spawned an immoral and perverted sexual revolution was Professor Alfred Kinsey, author of the famous Kinsey Reports on human sexuality.

When I talked with Dr. Reisman about our campaign to encourage the Boy Scouts to hold the line against pro-homosexual activism, she told me something very interesting about Alfred Kinsey…

The “father of the sexual revolution” in America honed his predatory practices on younger men while “serving” as a boy’s camp counselor in his young adulthood!

I feel Judith Reisman’s powerful book answers the question, “How did we get to the place that the Boy Scouts of America might send young men on camping trips with homosexual Troop leaders?”

Dr. Reisman has conclusively proven how Kinsey's frauds gutted our child and family protective laws, as well as justified Planned Parenthood's school sex education, Hugh Hefner's pornography plague, and the "gay rights" movement.  The Kinsey Institute still gets millions of your tax dollars.

Dr. Judith Reisman’s book is a scathing indictment of Kinsey’s bogus studies – and shows the indisputable link to America’s moral decline.  

You can read a longer discussion of Judith’s important book and see its contents by clicking here: 

Please consider a gift to Liberty Counsel and obtain your copy of our powerful new book "Stolen Honor, Stolen Innocence!"

Your support will help keep our team engaged in the Boy Scouts campaign and litigating crucial cases in defense of life, liberty, and family, including our historic case against ObamaCare that promises to end the government takeover of our healthcare system once and for all! 

Thank you for your support and for taking action with us! 

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671