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Culture of Depravity Taints US Military

Ann Barnhardt

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Nov. 22, 2012

“I can’t tell you how many emails I have received over the last year and a half from men who have exited the United States Military as either a Captain or Major because they simply could not bear to be a part of the repulsive, honorless, amoral culture.”

It appears that the pattern of Masonic corruption in politics & entertainment pervades the US Military as well: You Don’t Rise Unless You Sell Your Soul to the Devil. 


This is why the US is going down the drain. 

The Night of the Long Knives 

(Edited and abridged by henrymakow) 

When I was a teenager back in Leavenworth, Kansas, I became acquainted with a German lady who had just married a US Army flag officer that she met while working as a civilian contractor on a US Army base in Germany. 
Her husband was transferred to Ft. Leavenworth, which almost all flag officers pass through at some point. She was a strikingly handsome woman and super-sharp. She was very happy and was eagerly trying to get pregnant and start her family, as she was 35 or so at the time.
The last time I saw her, she was in a state of shock. She had left her husband, was filing for divorce, homeless and trying to organize getting back to Germany. Here is what happened:
She had finally become pregnant. She had just found out and hadn’t even told her husband yet. They were attending a party thrown by the post commander at his home that evening. Most of the upper-echelon flag officers at Ft. Leavenworth would be there. She was very excited and happy that she and her husband were now moving amongst the top brass in the US military, and she planned to tell her husband that night after the party that she was pregnant.
They arrived at the party in the gorgeous old home of the post commander. In the foyer, there was a large bowl that all of the men placed their car keys into upon entering the house. She figured that this had something to do with drunk driving protections, as there was certainly drinking at this party. She thought nothing of it.
As midnight rolled around, the party suddenly concluded. All of the couples then moved into the foyer. One by one, the wives stepped up to the bowl full of keys and drew out a set at random. The wives then matched the keys up with their male owners and then left with that man.
It was a wife-swapping party.
When my acquaintance realized what was going on, she refused. Her husband was livid.
When she got home she packed a bag and left. The stress of going from being on top of the world and happier than she had ever been to having her marriage destroyed, being betrayed so casually and sickeningly by her husband, and being made essentially homeless and penniless in a span of about five minutes caused her to immediately miscarry the baby a few hours later.
Wife-swapping and other perverse, orgiastic activities are extremely common among the US flag officer corps. The level of bizarre sexual depravity we are seeing with Petraeus and now Allen, is common to the point of being pedestrian. It is exactly the same kind of sodomitical filth that pervades the political class. They are all sex perverts and cheats. Find me a flag officer or politician that isn’t cheating on his spouse or a pervert and I’ll be shocked.
Sexual perversion is intrinsic to this class of people. These people are psychopathically insane, because you would have to be psychopathically insane to want anything to do with either the political class OR the flag officer corps today.
I can’t tell you how many emails I have received over the last year and a half from men who have exited the United States Military as either a Captain or Major because they simply could not bear to be a part of the repulsive, honorless, amoral culture. They couldn’t advance because at a certain point you literally have to sell your soul and become a purely political animal in order to climb the ladder.
And are you really surprised? Every single flag officer in the United States Military today is, by definition, an oath-breaking traitor. Barack Obama is not eligible to be POTUS and is almost certainly not a U.S. citizen. And not ONE WORD. Not one word from the flag officer corps. Why? Because they are politicians at heart, and they will never do anything to jeopardize their O-7, O-8, O-9 or O-10 pension packages.
Am I surprised that Petraeus and Allen and the rest are pathetic, pervy fornicators with the common sense of a pile of toenail clippings? Am I surprised that Petraeus was sending dozens and dozens of emails per day to his girlfriend and that their pillowtalk included national secuity secrets? 
Am I surprised that Petraues and Allen have spent their careers walking around with a “BLACKMAIL ME” sign taped to their backs? Nope. These people are imbeciles and psychopaths who implemented and oversaw rules of engagement that have intentionally gotten our boys killed.