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Why is this major institution pushing child sex?


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Nov. 14, 2012

Outrage: Child sex encouraged

by Planned Parenthood

Shocking new trends in morality more disturbing than political shifts

Since the Nov. 6 election, many have concluded that America is changing from a "center-right" Judeo-Christian country into a welfare-entitlement society that will elect a supremely deceitful demagogue as long as he promises "free stuff" for everyone.

They're right. But there's something else America is evolving into – something even more alarming – and several recent WND reports bring this new trend into sharp focus.

Kupelian explains why evil is growing so rapidly in

"How Evil Works."

Click Here.

* In a campaign disturbingly close to advocacy of child sex, the International Planned Parenthood Foundation, which advocates "sexual rights" for all, has created a "young people's guide" in conjunction with its official declaration urging recognition of the "evolving capacities" for "sexual pleasure" in all children and young people.

The organization, headquartered in London, has posted online a document titled "Exclaim! Young People's Guide to ‘Sexual Rights: An IPPF declaration," which proclaims that "sexual rights" for youth must be guaranteed, so that "all young people around the world [will] be able to explore, experience and express their sexualities in healthy, positive, pleasurable and safe ways."

Just as controversial, it also advances as a fundamental goal the "removal of parental involvement or spousal consent laws that prevent young people from seeking sexual and reproductive health services."

* At Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash., a grown man is allowed to get completely naked and change into his swimwear right alongside a girls' swim team.

Special Deal: Get $18 off when ordering

"The Marketing of Evil and "How Evil Works" bundle.

"Little girls should not be exposed to naked men, period," said David Hacker, a senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom, which is demanding that Evergreen officials .

And that's why the public interest law firm is calling on Evergreen officials to do something to make their campus safe after details of its bizarre "nondiscrimination" policy emerged.

"Most of these students are minors, and range from ages 6 to 18," said ADF attorneys. "On several occasions recently, the children saw a naked man in the women's locker room sauna who was displaying his male genitalia. The children saw him through the sauna's glass door, which allowed him a plain view of the young girls while they were changing. The children notified their swim coach, who called police."

"The idea that the college and the local district attorney will not act to protect young girls is appalling. What Americans are seeing here is the poisoned fruit of so-called ‘nondiscrimination' laws and policies. Placing this man's proclivities ahead of protecting little girls is beyond acceptable."

* When you combine such disturbing stories – and there are many more like them – with another recent WND report on a coalition of United Nations groups that, under the pretext of "AIDS prevention," is pushing to criminalize "homophobia," a pattern emerges: The sexual anarchy of the "gay rights movement" is morphing and expanding to the point that the very innocence of children is now endangered.

Also also available as an audiobook on four CDs

What has happened to America? How has it been so rapidly transformed from a moral, center-right, Judeo-Christian culture into one of ever-increasing immorality and outright debauchery?

One author who, more than almost any other, has awakened Americans to exactly what is being done to them is David Kupelian, bestselling author of "The Marketing of Evil," which remains, year after year, one of the most popular yet polarizing books on America's raging culture war.

In "The Marketing of Evil" – as well as its acclaimed sequel, "How Evil Works" – Kupelian completely unmasks the precise tactics, techniques and strategies that are being used daily to destroy America.

Special Deal: Get $18 off when ordering

"The Marketing of Evil and "How Evil Works" bundle.

Over 200 five-star Amazon reviews passionately attest to the eye-opening and even life-changing effect the books have had:

    •  "Amazingly well written and researched, 'The Marketing of Evil' is the first book I literally could not put down."

    •  "I finished 'The Marketing of Evil' over a month ago. It absolutely changed my life."

    •  "Turn Big Brother off the big screen, and open this book. If you're a Christian, it may be the most important book you own next to the Bible."

    •  "The way Kupelian writes is phenomenal. … Give this book to everyone you know, you'll thank me."

Kupelian is an award-winning journalist and author, and has served as managing editor of WND as well as its monthly newsmagazine Whistleblower since 1999. He has been featured on Fox News Channel, MSNBC, CBN, and numerous other TV and radio broadcasts.

Learn why EVIL is on the rise in the U.S. and around the world:

SPECIAL OFFERS: "The Marketing of Evil" is available autographed and personalized from the WND Superstore!

Now available in e-book format, click here.

Get the 4-CD audiobook version of "The Marketing of Evil" – read by the author!

Get Kupelian's acclaimed sequel to "The Marketing of Evil", "How Evil Works: Understanding and Overcoming the Destructive Forces That Are Transforming America," autographed from the WND Superstore.

"How Evil Works" is also available as an audiobook on eight CDs.


How Evil Works Makes a perfect gift!

Order your autographed copy of "How Evil Works" by David Kupelian

  • How does terrorism really work?
  • Why are neo-pagan and New Age religions like Wicca becoming so popular?
  • Why do so many politicians and entertainment celebrities end up self-destructing?
  • Why are big lies more believable than little ones?
  • Why are boys doing worse in school today than girls?
  • Why do we treat mental-emotional-spiritual problems like rage and depression with drugs?



Since 1948, Dr. Alfred Kinsey has been lauded as a scientific pioneer whose enlightened sexual research freed America’s repressed libido. But the so-called freedoms and new morality he “blessed” America with have proven devastating to this country’s social and moral fabric.

In "Sexual Sabotage," Dr. Judith Reisman, the preeminent Kinsey whistleblower, returns to tell the story of how the “K Bomb” was launched from a gothic limestone Indiana University building, its time-released detonation set to silently emit erototoxic radioactivity into our atmosphere – unto the generations.

Click here to learn more about "Sexual Sabotage."

Are you one of the many people who still thinks there's something wrong with homosexuality - but find it difficult to talk about nowadays?

Or maybe you've given up trying.

Well, don't blame yourself, because you're on the wrong side of a massive disinformation campaign. But there is hope, and it's a new book called "A Queer Thing Happened To America."

There are plenty of pro-family, anti-gay-agenda books out there ... but this one is considered so radioactive that no publisher would touch it.


Mainly because Dr. Michael Brown tells the story of the pro-gay sea change in American culture almost entirely with reference to sources that no pro-gay activist could dispute.

He tells the story in their own words.

"A Queer Thing Happened To America" is a work of history, but it is also an almanac of sorts, extensively footnoted with the vast majority of citations being neutral or pro-gay publications.

It is the truth; it is told in a reasonable, caring manner - and therefore it is dangerous.

Much more than a compendium, "A Queer Thing Happened To America" also explains the "gay agenda" and reveals why issues related to gender have become so hard to discuss for traditional-minded Americans.

It's a book that has been shunned by libraries.

It's a book that is disturbing, compelling and persuasive on its major point – that homosexuals dominated the German Nazi Party from its birth through its catastrophic demise.

It's a book that is vilified by America's "gay" activist establishment.

But it's also a highly footnoted, meticulously documented book whose primary sources include the best historical work on the rise and fall of the Third Reich.

"The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party" by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams challenges the notion that homosexuals were victimized during the Holocaust in ways comparable to the Jews. But it does much more than that. It also makes the case that the Nazi Party is best understood as a neo-pagan, homosexual cult.

From the party's founding in a homosexual bar, "The Pink Swastika" introduces the reader to all the household names of Nazism – from Goebbels to Goering and Himmler to Hess – and their secrets of sexual perversion, one of the driving forces of their genocidal sadism.