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Nov. 7, 2012

There is a comprehensive problem with government employees/cops, corporate employees and even some of the military following orders without weighing the morality or the Constitutionality of that order. Read the Bastiat quote below. Everyone is supposed to have a built-in moral compass. We are supposed to KNOW when we are moving over a that line. The decisions that people are making from fear of losing their jobs are wreaking havoc on society. Do you think it is OK to do something you know is wrong because your boss tells you to? Cowardice behavior has sickeningly become the norm. Unfortunately, this has been so widely accepted for generations now that lines on our moral compasses have become blurred. People are not prepared to go through hardships for doing the "right" thing anymore.

In the 50's, it was pretty standard for the average person to have the "John Wayne-doing-the-'right-thing'" kind of courage and convictions. Thanks to the public fool system, government "entitlement" programs, and a myriad of other society slayers, the general populace has been slowing sinking into muck and mire. People don't seem to recognize what the "right" thing even is anymore.

People are blind. They do not even attempt to connect the dots anymore and think for themselves. They just wait until they are told what to do. Many are too despondent to carry that through and prefer to wait and let others do it. People do not bother thinking for themselves. How many are able to think for themselves?? The responsibility of thinking has been yanked from most.

We are in quick sand. Are you ok with sinking?? Or do you want to pull away and do the "right" thing? Remember what Benjamin Franklin said, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Really digest that quote. Look at all the freedom we have forfeited: Getting mauled at the airport; Being quiet when we know we should say something for fear of being arrested. The list could go on and on. Is it worth it to crucify your fellow man for a paycheck??

The decisions are not only affecting the individuals making them; they are affecting many people in the periphery. They are affecting your family, friends and neighbors. The more people comply and cooperate with wrong-doing, the more dysfunctional society becomes and the more our freedoms are restricted. If you people refuse to assist with tyranny, those at the top would not have the minions to do their dirty work and all of us would be safer. Think about it... Choose to do the RIGHT THING!!!
