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New hope on ObamaCare lawsuit!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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Oct. 5, 2012

The Supreme Court says that Liberty Counsel’s “Day in Court” against ObamaCare may not be over!

And we have just filed a major lawsuit challenging the latest outrageous legislation to come from California – a new law  which prevents counselors from helping clients overcome sexual identity confusion or same-sex attractions!

We need your prayers – and our nation needs your prayers – that both of these landmark pieces of litigation enjoy God’s favor and ultimate success.  Please see my very important update below – Mat.


On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court opened its new term and immediately directed the Department of Justice to respond to the question of why Liberty Counsel’s case against ObamaCare should not be reheard by a federal appeals court.

The High Court directed the federal government to respond to our Petition for Rehearing within 30 days.

You may have noticed that the news was broadcast by Fox News, the Drudge Report, Politico, and other leading news outlets with headlines like, “Supreme Court opens door to another challenge to ObamaCare.”

If you recall, the Federal Court of Appeals in Richmond, VA, ruled that the Anti-Injunction Act (AIA) barred them from addressing the merits in our Liberty University v. Geithner case, which challenged the individual mandate and the employer insurance mandate of ObamaCare, among other key components of the law like its unconstitutional violation of the Free Exercise of Religion under the First Amendment.

Then, as you probably know, the Supreme Court ruled in June that the AIA does not apply to ObamaCare, overruling the Federal court’s decision on our case.

Further, the Supreme Court did not rule on our challenge that ObamaCare infringes on free exercise of religion because of the forced abortion funding – nor did the Court rule on the requirement that employers provide health insurance or pay a penalty.

In other words, vital parts of our lawsuit were not ruled on by the appeals court or the Supreme Court.  

That’s why we asked the Court to grant a Rehearing Petition, to vacate the ruling of the Court of Appeals, and send the case back to the Federal Court of Appeals to consider the Free Exercise claim and the employer mandate, neither of which were decided.

++This may be a true God-send!

ObamaCare is the biggest funding of abortion in American history.  Under the Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate, ObamaCare will for the first time require employers and individuals to directly fund abortion.

This “abortion mandate” directly collides with religious freedom and rights of conscience.

Right now, I am asking for intense prayer on the part of all friends of Liberty Counsel for the next 30 days. I believe that it’s been the prayers of our partners that have kept Liberty Counsel on the forefront of the attempts to end this healthcare monstrosity.

++In addition to the ObamaCare case, we just filed suit against the outrageous new California law banning “change therapy!”

On Thursday, Liberty Counsel filed suit in federal court challenging the new California law (SB 1172) that bans any counseling to diminish, eliminate, or manage unwanted same-sex attractions.

Liberty Counsel represents several parents and their children who are receiving and benefiting from such counseling, several licensed counselors, the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), and the American Association for Christian Counselors (AACC), an organization with about 50,000 professional counseling members.

This law places the state between the client and the counselor and intrudes on a client’s fundamental right of self-determination to seek counseling that aligns with his/her religious and moral values!

The law also forces counselors to overrule the will of their clients who choose to prioritize their religious or moral values above unwanted same-sex sexual attraction.

Further, this law forces clients to receive, and counselors to provide, only one viewpoint on the subject of same-sex attractions, even when the client does not want to act on those attractions.

This outrageous, unconstitutional law even forbids counselors from referring clients to someone of their choice!

For the state to assume that it knows best what kind of counseling individuals should receive is the height of hubris and ignorance.

California is demanding that the counselor disregard the client’s religious beliefs – or change them!

++California legislators have arrogantly created a social and legal disaster!

This law and the ethical codes of all of the licensing boards are on an inevitable collision course. The licenses of countless mental health professionals hang in the balance.

If counselors obey the law, they will violate existing ethical codes because they will be forced to overrule their clients’ right to self-determination.


If counselors provide counsel or referral to clients seeking to diminish or manage same-sex sexual attractions, they will violate the new law. Counselors will be damned no matter what they do!

Our minor clients will suffer irreparable harm, because they will no longer be able to receive the kind of counseling they have chosen which they believe has helped them.

Incredibly, the law defines “sexual orientation change efforts” as any practice that is designed to reduce or eliminate same-sex attraction!

Such broad language will prohibit any counseling that does not affirm and encourage experimentation with or acceptance of same-sex attractions, regardless of whether those feelings and attractions are unwanted by the counselee.

++California legislators have pushed far, far over the line!

In short, this law is an astounding violation of the right to free speech and religious liberty. Clients have the right to receive information that aligns with their values, and counselors have the right and the duty to provide information to help the clients in pursuit of their right to self-determination.

We firmly believe that we will win this case, but it can’t be successful without the help of friends like you!

We know that when we show up for a court battle undergirded by your prayers and support, we win over 92% of the time.

Liberty Counsel must be ready to stand against assaults on our fundamental freedoms by any government or private entity – but we can only do it with your help!

Will you also prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible gift right now so our team can continue to fight against the attacks of  overreaching government, the ACLU, and the activities of other radical groups?

Your financial support will help keep our legal team engaged in stopping these radical federal, state, and private bullies from criminalizing Christianity and enable Liberty Counsel to advance other key legal positions and public policy initiatives in which we are engaged.  


PLEASE consider a special gift to Liberty Counsel of any amount to meet this critical need as we stand in staunch defense of life, religious liberty, and marriage.  Click here to give your special gift:

Please continue to help Liberty Counsel in prayer and in financial support in our efforts to “Take Back America in 2012.”

Thank you and God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. We face very formidable adversaries – but we know that we can win when we are undergirded by your prayers and support!  I firmly believe that God has raised Liberty Counsel up for such a time as this.  

Please help us continue our vital work with a generous gift. Please stand with the Liberty Counsel litigation team with your financial support – today if at all possible.  Again, thank you!


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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776