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Indiana Woman Wants to Marry Her Pet Dog – Tries to Rally Support From Gay Rights’ Activists

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Sept. 25, 2012

(From May 6, 2012)

NOTE:  This woman must have been a dog in a former lifestream.  ---Anne Bellringer

Cassandra White of Northern Indiana has petitioned her local government to allow her to marry her dog Brutus.  White has sent several letters to gay rights activists to help her lead the march to stop discrimination against her and those like her who should get to “marry whomever they want”.  Ms. White has made several unsuccessful attempts to get a marriage license after listing only “Brutus” in the section asking for FULL NAME OF PARTY B on marriage certificate form.

The form has been flagged 3 times after clerks questioned the single name of “Brutus”.  Additional sections of the form were also left blank. For example, White was not able to list the name of PARTY B’s mother/parent or father/parent.  Apparently Ms. White explained she could not provide the information due to the fact that she adopted her dog Brutus from a shelter which could not provide the parental information to her.

Indiana state and city officials have not returned phone calls or emails from AAP regarding the situation with Ms. White and her quest to marry her dog, Brutus.

Ms. White applauded President Obama for announcing that he is in support for gay marriage and quoted the president saying, “I was so happy to hear President Obama yesterday comment on gay marriage saying, “This is the kind of thing that prompts a change of perspective…” Ms. White is asking the state of Indiana to recognize what the president said and change their perspective on allowing her to marry Brutus.

White has also received support from ‘Freedom To Marry Our Pets Society” who plan to organize a protest in Washington to change definition of marriage to include pets