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John Kaminski

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July 16, 2012

In any and all circumstances, love is the most important thing.


Each of us must decide how it stacks up against survival.


LGBT stands for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and is usually coupled with the word 'coalition' grouping social outcasts long persecuted for their behavior into what is now a formidable political and psychological weapon.


Homosexuality is being rammed down the throats of world society at the present time, presumably as a planned population-control method advocated by gay advocates forced for centuries to stay in the closet by strict religious proscriptions.


Glowing stories of happy gay couples kissing in public were seen everywhere in June 2012, particularly publicizing the Pentagon's special honoring of gays in the military.


Everywhere in the world supermarket checkout lines are drenched in the gay proclivities of famous celebrities, while conspiracy websites fan the flames of claims that the latest two presidents and three current Supreme Court justices are either bisexual or gay.


World-class athletes share stories of a sexual openness at the Olympic Games as the best bodies in the world excel on the athletic field and then collide in a drunken haze after the medals are won in what could be best described as a modern Roman orgy. In this day of culturally induced 'liberation', who WOULDN'T participate?


But what effect do these things have on the children who are watching their heroes climb to new heights of glory? Have we returned to the libertine era of  Caligula and the Satyricon? The next question would be: has it ever really changed?


Old prude that I am, my objection to the LGBT toxin is that it guarantees the destruction of our current perceptions of the family, religion and morality.


If we want to do away with families — as the powers that be desperately do, to further their destruction of communities and the alienation of everyone into mental solitary confinement — then this is the way to go.


To me, LGBT is a social toxin. To me, it isn't so much the L or the G or even the T that bothers me — it's the B that is the real problem.


Bisexuality implies more than one partner — bye bye marital fidelity, the most important foundation of stable family life and healthy children which, at least from my own experience and by what I read constantly in the papers, is actually achieved by a very small percentage of the population.


No matter how many precautions you take, bisexuality is truly throwing caution to the wind, and guaranteeing, if not the breakup, at least the serious stressing and possibly maladaptive warping of the minds of the children we are trying to raise.


This plays right into the hands of those who control us, atomizing the family and alienating every single member of society to make them wholly dependent on the culture to become their family, attending to their every need via the Internet and some mail-order-bride of a product that is available anywhere and everywhere.


Who needs a family when you could order everything you might ever need online?


This would be the ultimate victory of our controllers.


Somebody somewhere — it might have been Kay Griggs — said the Jews control Washington by controlling every bedroom in Washington


Given the accelerated dousing of society with — to coin a phrase — every perversion known to man, we now ask ourselves the question — what exactly is it that we want our children to become?


Or have we forgotten that they actually exist?


How is it, then, that we have allowed their chemical pollution by authority figures we didn't — and don't — have the smarts to ever check their backgrounds and really hear what they were actually saying?


Think about all the known poisons they prescribe.


This is how we have allowed the next generation to become possibly the last generation or normal human beings ever to live on this planet, given the early assessments of what biotech lifeforms are doing to natural life on every continent. Extermination and replacement by obviously faulty mechanisms would be an accurate assessment.


Sexual addiction has proven to be the primary weapon of the Jewish destabilization template in fragmenting American society into a secretive and guilt-ridden collective of sexually addicted perverts.


And not just America. It's worse elsewhere.


Africa offers a culture of institutionalized rape, which translates to the streets of America as rap music, the chief method which Jewish record producers have used to infect America's children with sexually sadistic jungle rhythms and masochistic immorality.


The alternatives are an Islam that institutionalizes slavery, the Hindus divided into five castes, and the Buddhists insisting it's all an illusion, plus a few forgotten scientists mentioning that all the gods are deified men.


But why mess with any of that when every fantasy you ever had is now available online for the right amount of money. At least a transcendental experience in the palm of your hand. Contact your local Jew — judges and priests are also good sources — for more information.


Although great romances and fabulous affairs are, long-running marriages, stable families are not based are not based on sex.


In fact, any relationship based on sex absolutely will not last, which puts the entire LGBT spectrum of behaviors into the category of deviant behavior, which was the social norm until 1973 when homosexual Jewish activists browbeat the American Medical Association into declaring it 'normal' human behavior by a suspicious majority of around 10,000 voting doctors.


As the bloom wears off the rose and children turn into howling rebels, all it takes is for the economy to go South — which it always does in a suspiciously repetitive way — and everyday, marriages disintegrate, and children are in every case left feeling it was their fault.


The architects of the destabilization planned it that way. As insecurity is the great consumer motivation, guilt, even more than gratitude, is the greatest buyer of expensive purchases.


From time immemorial, homosexuals have played important roles in the fate of nations, but since the era when Greeks and Romans screwed everything that moved, their gender preference has usually been closeted.


But always in matters involving homosexual behavior, is the recruitment issue.


And the ruination of normal minds, particularly by the behavior of rabbis and others who condone the ritual defacement of circumcision (now banned in Germany), creates a social cost of increased victim recovery time and in general a skewing of sexual orientation from which young victims can never recover completely, thus making this the lowest and most severe of crimes.


It is a theft of both the mind and heart, not to mention other injuries.


And not something to ever be encouraged, as it is now, by our pornoculture.


See how drug addicted America has become in the neon sea of sex emporia and tittie bars. The stench of the sewer in which we raise our children increases every year, another bonus gift of the Jewish destabilization template.


Religion is the most important science. It runs, at their bases, all the other sciences, sets the course of investigation, so to speak. To bad none of them ever really answer the bell on this one, and when they do, they get to fight with all those sexually addicted freedom loving psychos who are just trying to live their lives, another perfect setup for conflict and disaster, courtesy of the Jewish destabilization template.


Used-up wives consigned to meaningless suburban rituals and furry single men addicted to one thing or another prowling hotel bars late at night.


It is not the actual behavior, but the advocacy of the behavior that distorts the cultural and genetic bases on which the family is structured.


This is probably the major thing that makes religion so important — by its strict and purposeful rules it regulates the family structure, and gives every child a maximum chance for freedom, liberty and purpose.


The Episcopal and other liberal Protestant denominations are stained by the decay of perversion — surely to be tolerated but never to be encouraged.


The percentage of homosexuals in any church is the measure of infiltration by the Jewish destabilization template, because all these religions stipulate that it is expressly forbidden to practice homosexual acts.


What the holy books fail to say is that this is critically important to the maintenance and functioning of a healthy society.


And if there is one thing we are not, it is a healthy society.


The absolutely only hope of ever getting this under control is through religion.


In the interests of time and simplicity I will conclude my remarks by saying:


The most beautiful thing in all the world is a baby's connection to its mother. It lasts forever. This is the one thing in all the world that we should strive mightily to protect.


Nuclear missiles are just imaginary extrusions of penises. This nuclear penis thing must end, before society jerks itself off into extinction.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA.