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Sears now adds bestiality to its website


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July 16, 2012

In the past, Sears in its online store has offered a wide range of nudity, from pornographic videos such as “Curse of the Pink Panties 2″ and “Hot & Exotic” to “art posters” such as one that revealed four couples with arms and legs intertwined who appear to be wearing nothing but each other and some foamy waves.

Now the store that once served as an American icon for families has kicked its offerings up a notch, featuring bestiality in its latest round of promotions.

The situation has been documented by officials with the American Family Association. (Be aware that the link contains proof of Sears’ offerings with explicit images).

“Last year, Sears promised to stop selling these type products,” AFA said in its alert to constituents about the problem today. “In our subsequent monitoring of, AFA found that Sears resumed selling sexually explicit products.”

In a statement by the AFA, officials said, “Along with explicit nudity, Sears now adds bestiality to its website.”

The statement continues, “After our last Action Alert in May, Sears assured AFA it was updating filtering equipment and enforcing strict guidelines to prevent sexually explicit products being available on their websites.

“AFA took Sears spokesman at their word and … we shouldn’t have. Sears made the same promise in 2010. They broke their word then too.

“Less than two months after Sears’ latest promise on May 2012, the pornography has returned,” the organization said.

Explained AFA, “But that’s not the worst of it. Sears also sells books on bestiality and zoophilia. Titled ‘Dearest Pet, On Bestiality’ and “Bestiality and Zoophilia: Sexual Relations with Animals,’ these books are ‘how to’ manuals for people who want to have sex with animals.”

The warning continued, “I don’t want to be too graphic, but they contain descriptions, drawings and sketches beyond belief.”

Hours after this story appeared, in emails to WND, readers reported when they complained to directly to Sears, they were told that the offending items were being removed. The customer service email response said, “Our agreements with our vendors prohibit content that is pornographic or sexually explicit in nature.”

The family organization said technology allows Sears to “remove and stop selling these products within minutes, if company executives want to. … Unless Sears hears from you, the company will continue to sell hardcore pornography…”

The web page lists a telephone number for Sears Chairman Edward Lampert and asks supporters to call. There also are options for sending an email or calling local store managers.

WND reported in 2010 when the company offered a poster with four nude couples. The poster image was highlighted by the theme: ‘Safe sex is hot sex.’ Another revealed two topless women embracing, wearing only the skimpiest of shorts, and a model who appears to be wearing some water and a small sponge.

As a former Justice Department official whose research on the detriments of pornography led 7-Eleven to stop stocking Penthouse and Playboy, Judith Reisman, author of “Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America,” has studied extensively how pornography impacts the brain.

She has said, “Decades of hard science confirm millennia of observation that despite our individual genes, what we see – like how what we eat and drink shapes our bodies – affects our brains and our physical and mental health.”

Edited and cropped! Image of “10 Sex Starved Babes” offered earlier by Sears

WND later reported when Sears offered the explicit videos. The AFA fought the company over those, too. The organization reported it ordered one of the explicit products, and it was delivered in a Sears package with no check on the age