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Grassroots message that 'marriage matters' impacting D.C.

Grassfire Nation Update

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June 26, 2012

Mounting grassroots pressure may have played a key role in moving House Republicans to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to get involved in the intensifying battle over same-sex marriage.
CNN is reporting that lawyers for House Republicans are now defending DOMA – after President Obama instructed the Department of Justice not to defend DOMA cases in court when it is attacked, believing the law to be unconstitutional.
Patrick, with homosexual rights groups aggressively attacking the tenets of traditional marriage, and attempting to radically redefine marriage as we know it, this is a victory that cannot be overlooked.
However, it isn’t going to stop homosexual activists from attempting to speak for all Americans – especially if we don’t increase grassroots pressure and speak up on behalf of traditional marriage and the need for DOMA.
The ball is again in our court, and grassroots Americans must demonstrate to House leadership that this is a battle worth fighting!
+ + 50,000 Petitions Needed for Immediate Delivery 
Patrick, when Grassfire Nation teamed with Conservative 50 Plus on this issue, an aggressive goal for 50,000 signed petitions was set.  
With this breaking news, we need to step up delivery plans to House leadership as well as the Supreme Court as soon as next week, and are relying on concerned citizens to help us reach our goal before this important delivery next week.
We would like to include you in this important petition delivery supporting traditional marriage and existing DOMA laws, but we see you still have not yet added your name to this important Conservative 50 Plus petition. 
We’ve included our initial alert, and urge you to take immediate action to ensure that you are included when this petition delivery is made. Please review and take action by adding your name, or clicking below now:
Grassfire Nation
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 
President Obama’s comments during a New York City fundraiser that he would like to see the Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) repealed should send a collective chill down the spines of every American citizen who believes marriage is the sacred union between one man and one woman.
With an emboldened homosexual lobby by his side, Obama essentially brushed aside the vast majority of Americans who support DOMA and a state’s right to define and protect marriage, telling them “Your opinion about marriage doesn’t matter to me!”
Click here to tell Obama that Marriage Does Matter!
Of course his comments shouldn’t be a surprise …
Earlier in his tenure he thumbed his nose at our legal system demanding the Department of Justice not to defend DOMA cases in court when it is attacked!
Can you believe the arrogance? A President of the United States telling the DOJ, not to uphold the law of the land!
With his very public comments, Obama and his progressive ilk have cleared the path for homosexual activists to aggressively continue their assault on traditional marriage and the family by empowering – even encouraging them to advance their radicalized agenda at the expense of the American public.
Keep in mind the American public has spoken loud and clear on the issue of gay marriage – they don’t want it. In fact, in California, arguably the nation’s most liberal state, citizens overwhelmingly voted against gay marriage – but the powerful homosexual lobby worked aggressively and was eventually successful in overturning Proposition 8.
+ + Is Marriage in South Dakota about to change?
What impact will Obama’s words have on marriage in South Dakota?
You may not have to wait very long to find out. Because of the media, the issue of homosexual marriage is now a centerpiece issue with gay rights groups demanding all lawmakers go on record about marriage before the November elections!
If jobs and the economy are dominating the political arenas now, homosexual marriage and the repeal of DOMA is a close third. In fact, as several have pointed out, will only continue to rise in importance as we get closer to the election.
+ + Message to Obama: “Marriage Matters!”
Right now a bill is moving through Congress that should have the full attention of every man and woman interested in protecting the sanctity of marriage in America.
Inappropriately named the Respect for Marriage Act (S. 598, and H.R. 1119) is a Trojan horse of sorts – with the name implying one thing but the reality promising something quite different. Passage would repeal DOMA, throwing open the door to radicalizing marriage in America!
Grassfire Nation is again teaming with Conservative 50 Plus, a fast-growing conservative alternative to progressive groups like AARP that is committed to preserving and protecting our conservative culture. Conservative 50 Plus understands that our society and our children benefit the greatest with one mother and one father.
They have just launched a national “Marriage Matters” petition giving mature Americans a platform to express themselves over Obama’s comments about DOMA, and his open support for radicalizing marriage in America.
Go here now to add your name to this important Conservative 50 Plus petition:
As soon as they mobilize 50,000 citizen signers of their “Marriage Matters” petition, Conservative 50 Plus will hand-deliver the petitions to The White House as well as Senate and House leadership – demanding they uphold the laws of our land and listen to the voice of “We the People” who have said repeatedly that we do not support gay marriage in America!
Go here now to be part of this vital petition delivery:
After signing, forward this message to 25-30 of your mature friends and family members living in South Dakota and beyond, encouraging them to stand with you in the campaign to save marriage in America by clicking below:
Go here to sign the petition:
Thank you in advance for standing up for marriage with our friends at Conservative 50 Plus.
Grassfire Nation
P.S. Again, we’ve learned that the Respect Marriage Act is actually gaining support in the House and Senate. Answer back today by adding your name to this important Conservative 50 Plus petition by clicking below and alert your friends to follow your lead.
Click below to support traditional marriage in America:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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