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You Are Part of the Problem

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June 6, 2012

You are part of the problem if you support the government more than you resist the government.


You are part of the problem if you are not pulling your weight.


You are part of the problem if you continue to passively subject yourself to judaic propaganda, entertainment and dogma.


You are part of the problem if you accept and allow suppression of free speech, free thoughts, free expression in any form.


You are part of the problem if you allow yourself to get into the mindset that there are better, higher, more important people than you who somehow have ‘presumed’ authority over you.


You are part of the problem if you propagate half Truths of who the perpetrators of this evil are, by using terms such as Illuminati, the global elite, the neocons, the technocrats, even zionists.


You are part of the problem if you work directly or indirectly for any of the government agencies.


You are part of the problem if you will not defend your brothers and sisters who are being suppressed in other regions of the world.


You are part of the problem if you chose to regularly consume junk food, GM produce, pornography, booze, drugs and gambling.


You are part of the problem if you refuse to independently inform yourself of current affairs in the geo-political arena.


You are part of the problem if you will not make a stand to the evils which are being perpetrated on humanity.


You are part of the problem if you lie to yourself that you are doing your bit, just because you whiz links across to other truth-browsers, who are equally passive.


You are part of the problem if you chose to take employment in any position of where you are distributing threats, fines, penalties, statues or intimidation on your brothers and sisters.


You are part of the problem if you are administering any harmful, toxic, de-natured substances under the guise of medicine.


You are part of the problem if you allow these despotic Jews to grip you with fear.


You are part of the problem if you have sat back year after year and done sod all with the knowledge you have obtained, complaining and expecting someone else to sort it out.


You are part of the problem if you refuse to resist at any level the ridiculous, unlawful, unnatural, insane, Orwelian judaic legislation.


You are part of the problem if you in any way support these military murderers as our boys or our heros.


You are part of the problem if you go along with the chosen ones narrative of the nasty nazis.


You are part of the problem if you remain silent when others around you are being metaphorically trodden on.


You are part of the problem if you are not being proactive in getting the word out, in every way you possible can, using your time, skills and resources you have on a regular basis.


You are part of the problem if you are sitting back, somehow expecting your God, guru or guardian angels to somehow save you.


You are part of the problem if you think we can somehow use philosophy alone to get us out of this mess.


You are part of the problem if you are helping to indoctrinate others with this judaic mind control under the name of education.


If you are not making efforts to inform others and resist, and turn in the opposite direction to this demonic force, then …


you are part of the problem