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Important concerning Jeff Rense

Another Rense 'Ex'

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June 3, 2012

[Attachment(s)included below]


My name is _____ and I am Jeff Rense's current girlfriend and latest ex-wife. I have been
with Jeff for over a year and a half now and know him well.
Please know that if you forward this to Jeff, he will tell me.  As I say, I am his girlfriend.
Please do not forward this to Jeff, or tell Jeff.  If you are not interested in reading this, just
hit "delete."
There is a large amount of negative information that has come out about Jeff. Currently, only a
small percentage of his listeners are aware of this information, but it will become more widely
known and possibly even mainstream.
Jeff is a serial wife abuser, he has been married 7 times.
I have personally contacted and spoken to the first four ex-wives. Each of whom has a horror story
about her time with Jeff.
I have personally either been contacted by (they saw my story, where I came out anonymously
about Jeff) or contacted 3 recent ex-girlfriends, who again, were similarly used and traumatized by
Jeff Rense. He has a pattern of extreme psychological abuse of these women along with frequently
stealing their assets and money...
I have heard second hand of an ex-girlfriend from the 1970s who was devastated by Jeff Rense. So,
the number of women this man has harmed is a very large number.
I am the first to expose Jeff. I came out publicly, but anonymously around Feb. 23, 2012 on Henry
Makow's website:
Jeff Rense's Seventh Ex-Wife Speaks Out (Part 1)
I needed to retain my anonymity because I am unemployed and running out of money. Disclosing
my name meant I would not get a good job as potential employers now run google searches on
In order to stop my activities (tracking down ex-wives and asking them to publish their stories
online), Jeff resorted to publicly disclosing my name all over the internet, and buying URLs of my
name and posting vicious slander about me.
Jeff was unable to stop me legally, although he tried very hard to, as I had not committed libel and I
was not afraid of any lawsuit threats. That is why he resorted to "outing" my identity and slandering
me. His lawyers also offered me "shut up" money in exchange for a full retraction. I refused.
Because of this, I had to "out" myself, and fully document my life in order to disprove his
slanderous accusations.
See my website here:
Of the 4 other ex-wives I have contacted, 3 of them agreed to have their stories published online.
One used her real name, the others wanted to remain anonymous. All exes stories fully
corroborate mine, plus I learned terrible new information that has literally sickened me.
The ex-wife that is using her real name is Suezan Hill, she is on facebook and lives in Grants
Pass, Oregon. That is close to Ashland, where I live, and I have met with her and we talked for five
And here is the story of the ex-wife who wished to remain anonymous.
Ex-wife #1 just recently published her story:

Jeff's first 3 ex-wives confirm that he groomed 12-13 year old girls whom he coached in afterschool
sports, choosing the pretty ones to be his sex partners once they were 17-18 years old.  Two of these wives witnessed Jeff engaged in sexual activity with these girls once they were high school seniors.  Jeff was in his 30s.
Jeff's lack of ethics in his private life also extends to his behind-the-scenes business practices.
Some of this has been extremely well documented at the website:

Here is yet another unethical thing Jeff did, this time to a very nice, very well-respected local

Oregon business woman:
This is from the above website, which is incomplete, but notice in one of the comments that Jeff
sued Patsy Smullin for $500,000 in order to get her "apology letter," which is proudly displayed on
his main page of his website (
Here is where to find the comment:

(scroll down to comment number 6.)

Patsy Smullin is a former boss of Jeff's. A well-respected Oregon business woman, and she told a
reporter that Jeff was a "compulsive liar."
I amd the one who went down to the Jackson County courthouse and discovered the lawsuit. Her
"apology" was forced. I know Jeff personally, and indeed he lies profligately. I have the
documentation that the lawsuit occurred and that the amount sued for was a half million dollars.
I am the one who sent the lawsuit to Lisa Guliani.
----- Original Message -----
From: Another Rense 'Ex'
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 8:21 PM
Subject: Important concerning Jeff Rense [2 Attachments]


1 of 1 Photo(s)

1 of 1 File(s)