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Homosexual parent calls Biblical view 'pure hate'!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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Feb. 2, 2012

The homosexual parent in Shawano, Wisconsin, who complained about a student’s op-ed piece in a high school newspaper has taken his views to the media. He is calling 15-year-old Brandon Wegner’s presentation of the Biblical view of homosexual adoption “pure hate” – and is now demanding that the faculty sponsor of the newspaper be strongly corrected or even dismissed!  

We, too, are going to the media with the truth about this intolerable situation.  Right now, we are collecting tens of thousands of statement s from incensed Americans who know Brendan is no bully – and know who the REAL bullies are in this deplorable incident!

As of this writing, a little over 10,000 Liberty Counsel team members have signed our “Letter of Outrage” which will be delivered to the Shawano, Wisconsin, Board of Education – and placed in regional media outlets around Shawano.

Click here to read and sign the “Letter of Outrage” and Brandon’s Wegner’s op-ed piece supporting natural marriage and adoption:

++Here is the rest of the story…

By now I hope you are aware of Brandon Wegner’s ordeal.  He is the student who was bullied, censored, punished, and ridiculed by Shawano school administrators for writing one side of a “point-counterpoint” feature article in a school-sponsored newspaper overseen by a faculty advisor and part of the school’s News Writing courses.

In his half of the op-ed article, Brandon explained the Biblical view of homosexuality and spoke out in support of natural, mother-father adoption, a view held by the vast majority of Americans. 

But once a single homosexual parent called the school to strongly object to such a view, Brandon was set up for humiliation and “made to be an example” by the school system administration for his views on homosexuality.  He was also threatened with suspension for violating the school’s “anti-bullying” policy!


This story is picking up momentum daily.  According to the Shawano Leader newspaper…

“Parent Nick Uttecht complained to the district last month after 15-year-old Brandon Wegner wrote an opinion piece in the Hawks Post, which the district publishes in The Shawano Leader, that said gays should not be allowed to adopt children. Uttecht and his partner, Michael McNelly, are raising four children in the district.

Uttecht said the opinion piece was “pure hate” and “a form of bullying and discrimination.”

The article went on to say that Uttecht would not “give up on this” and “wants the [school] newspaper adviser, Alicia Hoffman, disciplined or even fired.” 

This underscores the reason we are taking this battle to the Shawano community at large as well as publicizing it nationally.  Our “Open Letter of Outrage” will help us fight this battle in the court of Shawano public opinion. 

Click here to sign the letter and add your voice to the fast growing number of Americans who are saying “Enough is enough!  This is truly outrageous!”

++Let me be clear: This is not just a local problem!


Liberty Counsel is not only engaged in Shawano, Wisconsin, due to these egregious violations of a student’s rights – but we are also fighting an ongoing battle over the public’s perception of homosexual “rights” and increasing allegations of pro-homosexual “bullying.” 

Tragically, this war is being fought all the down to the elementary level as pro-homosexual activism rapidly infiltrates our public schools.

As of this writing, we have over 10,000 signatures.  I must have 25,000 signatures before we send the letters… and I would hope that at least 50,000 team members would take one minute and sign our powerful “Open Letter of Outrage.” 

You are disturbed by the high-handed, unconstitutional  behavior of Shawano’s school administration, aren’t you?  I can assure you Brendan’s family is!

Please, take a minute and click here to read and sign our “Letter of Outrage” and then review the Shawano Leader article:

Because of widespread national media coverage, this case is now being debated on the national stage as well as in Brandon’s small community.  That’s why I now feel it’s important to take the facts of this case into Brandon’s local area, expose those who denied him his inalienable rights, and make the facts public knowledge.

We have already sent a strong letter to School Superintendent Todd Carlson DEMANDING an apology for the system’s unconstitutional and irrational censorship of Brandon’s article, and the outrageous manner in which his administration bullied this young man. 

Of course, we are also doing everything possible to provide excellent legal representation to our clients, the Wegners, for which there will be no charge.

I am confident that we will successfully defend Brandon’s First Amendment rights.

There is NO constitutional defense for the school system’s acts of censorship and persecution. There is NO moral defense for Superintendent Todd Carlson’s bullying, threatening, and intimidating a student – especially when the student was in the right all along!     

Now more than ever, there is a great need for the kind of assistance Liberty Counsel was founded to provide. We are literally fighting day-to-day to keep our culture from being pushed over the edge by radical bullies and misguided zealots!

Simply click here to add your name to our “Letter of Outrage.”

Thank you for standing with Brandon and Liberty Counsel in this very important battle!

May God bless you!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. We must counter the pro-homosexual activism that is being thrust onto American culture by radical groups – starting with protecting the students, teachers, and administrators in our public schools from attacks from pro-homosexual bullies! Please, click here to sign our “Letter of Outrage”:

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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776