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Ponder this one word

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Dec. 30, 2011

per·fi·dy [pur-fi-dee]

noun, plural -dies.

1.deliberate breach of faith or trust; faithlessness; treachery:perfidy that goes unpunished. act or instance of faithlessness or treachery.

3. the deliberately deceitful act of falsely making a promise, a vow or oath for the purpose of gaining trust in order to undertake an act of treachery and great injury.

    Does this describe anything familiar? Shall we start with the undertaking of financial and legislative actions of the majority of Wall Street- starting with the Federal Reserve members, Lending institutions, Investment houses/pension fund administrators, Congress and their agents, the new Militarized Police state, the American medical establishment that takes the Hypocrites oath that disavows such promising treatments as stem cell therapy known to work in other part s pf the progressive world that isn't hung up on greed, money, avarice in the name of 'safety' and includes pharmaceutical corporations.

    Throw in such agencies as the FDA, ATF, IRS, CIA, NSA, EPA, Dept. of Agriculture, Education,and more -too many to name. Include such major corporations as medical supply companies, corporate food related manufacturers and processors, growers, inspectors. Don't forget the corporations of state and local legislative bodies including the judicial and Bar members. Shall we throw in the Catholic Church and other religious tyranny? Have I left out other important ones or any other public ventures that have given an oath to honor and protect humankind, otherwise known as the public/society?

      Does perfidy- the heinous acts of breach of the public trust, sound like something to be ignored?

   Well, if we the people feel powerless to make a difference; if even in our thoughts, hope, and dreams for a better future and for a more Divine Outcome that is just and in harmony of Divine Law, then just  ponder the term perfidy. Let your soul speak to you as you do. Speak to the Christ within that never lies. It cannot lie. It only knows Truth for it IS Truth.

   Ask your inner Christ to speak to you about perfidy. Then pray for the souls of those who wallow in the

most  degrading slap to societies' virtuous face. Those human minds twisted and depraved, that actually accept perfidy as the status quo and strategic psyops to dehumanize our plight. Those 0.01% who believe their perfidies are acceptable for the benefit of what would be left of  mankind after their heinous acts depopulate and deface the great mother we call Earth; perhaps need either our profound love and forgiveness or banishment into the abyss.

   One way or the other, it cannot escape Cause and Effect of Divine Law. God help their soulless choices clean and clear as they may be in their manifestations, there is an eternal PIT called the abyss waiting for them if they do not seek clemency.

 God help us all.


----- Original Message -----

From: ja

To: <>

Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 4:56 PM

Subject: Ponder this one word