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Anti-Christian bigotry on the rise

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Pro-homosexual vandals recently attacked an Illinois

      Christian academy at which the pro-family group Americans

      for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) was preparing to

      hold a banquet to honor an evangelical Christian leader.

      The pro-homosexual movement is not only getting more

      aggressive in their physical actions, but also in

      pushing ultraliberal legislation, bullying in the

      judicial system, and infiltrating the nation's public

      school systems. Please read my urgent update below - Mat.

On October 15th, radical pro-homosexual activists threw

concrete bricks through the door and windows of the Christian

Liberty Academy in suburban Chicago because it was hosting a

fundraising banquet for Americans for Truth About Homosexuality.

      The bricks were accompanied by a note that threatened,

      "This is just a sample of what we will do if you don't

      shut down (pro-family advocate) Scott Lively and AFTAH."

Matt Barber, Vice President of our affiliate group, Liberty

Counsel Action, strongly denounced this criminal act in an

interview shortly after the news broke:

      "This really amounts to an act of terrorism in that they

      threatened more violence if Dr. Lively and his speech went

      forward and if the Christian Liberty Academy did not

      disassociate from Americans for Truth About Homosexuality."

As I've said many times, it's the radicals who demand tolerance

who are the most intolerant of opposing viewpoints! They actually

called AFTAH a "hate" organization after throwing concrete bricks

inscribed with the message "Shut Down Lively" through the

Christian academy's windows!

      I reiterate a comment Matt Barber made in his interview:

      "We are going to speak God's truth in love without fear

      of reprisal, or even in this case, without fear of violence.

      So I have a message to the gay terrorists that perpetrated

      this crime: Your terrorist tactics have failed, and you will

      not succeed in silencing God's truth." 

++We will not be silenced! 

Promoting the homosexual agenda while attempting to redefine

marriage and family by pro-homosexual activists is perhaps the

greatest "culture war" of our generation. 

One recent example of the growing intensity of this battle is

seen in the refusal of certain liberal office holders to properly

enforce pro-marriage laws that have been passed by Congress. 

The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) defines marriage as being

between one man and one woman for federal purposes. It also

declares that no state is required to recognize a same-sex

relationship that has been declared a "marriage" in another


      Yet, President Obama and his Attorney General, Eric Holder,

      have acted as both judge and jury in declaring the DOMA

      law to be "unconstitutional" and "indefensible."

I am calling on my Liberty Counsel team to rise up against this

anti-family activism!  DOMA is a law passed by the people's

representatives in the United States Congress, and it is the

duty of the Executive Branch to enforce the law!

Further, we must STOP any momentum and traction pro-homosexual

groups hope to achieve by their attacks going unchallenged!


      I urge you to take a moment and sign our Statement of

      Support upholding the federal Defense of Marriage Act.


We insist that President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder

and the Department of Justice, congressional leaders, and

military leaders actively comply with and defend the Defense

of Marriage Act! 

Click here to sign Statement of Support upholding DOMA:


++Get the book the ACLU says you should not read!

We are very pleased to offer you a valuable resource when

you financially support this vital campaign. For your gift

of $30 or more, we will send you a free copy of the book the

ultraliberal, anti-marriage ACLU says you should not read!


"Only One Mommy: A Woman's Battle for Her Life, Her Daughter,

and Her Freedom: The Lisa Miller Story" will equip you to

help those struggling with same-sex attractions as it totally

exposes the disturbing truth about the pro-homosexual agenda!

      I am especially pleased to offer you this extraordinary

      book because its author, Rena Lindevaldsen, is a dear

      friend and a long-time colleague.  I am not exaggerating

      when I say that Rena may well be the nation's leading

      expert on the terrible legal and social consequences

      society faces when altering the natural order and

      sanctioning same-sex "marriage."

Click here to sign the Statement of Support and to read more

about this compelling book:

++Liberty Counsel is aggressively fighting back!

Recently, I also told you about a case involving two homosexual

males living in New York who were demanding that their adopted

child's birth certificate be "certified" that he was born to two

"fathers" in Louisiana. Apparently, the homosexual couple thought

it important to get the birth certificate changed to affirm facts

which are biologically impossible! They were handed a well-deserved

defeat in federal court. 

      The details of this case illustrate the Pandora's Box of

      disastrous consequences that emerge when we give legal

      recognition to unnatural relationships.

The "two daddies on the birth certificate" case is one of many

that Liberty Counsel has been involved in over the years defending

the bedrock institutions of marriage and family - and the ripple

effects into adoption law.

But perhaps even more damaging than the foothold radicals are

gaining in the body of American law is the horrific deception

and disinformation they are spreading! 

      Their advance is being paved with outright lies about the

      practice of homosexuality, misleading "facts" about their

      movement, and fraudulent use of taxpayer funds obtained by

      cynically presenting their cause as a "civil rights" movement!

We must continue fighting and winning in both

the courtroom and the court of public opinion, even given the flood

of new attacks! 

      You can obtain invaluable help in fighting this battle

      from the pages of Only One Mommy - it is simply one of

      the best books yet written about the homosexual movement's

      horrific social impact, written by one of marriage's best 

      friends and most courageous defenders. 

Please sign the Statement of Support upholding the federal Defense

of Marriage Act. There you will also find the link to read more about

the hard-hitting new book, Only One Mommy.

This is perhaps the most significant "culture war" of our generation. 

Thank you for standing with me in this battle!

May God bless you!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. We actively advance the position that marriage is a God-

established union between a man and a woman. With your support,

Liberty Counsel will continue defending DOMA and the sanctity of

 marriage in courtrooms across America and in federal and state

legislatures as well.

Please go here to sign the Statement of Support:

Thank you and God bless you!


+ + Comments? Questions?

Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and

Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and

policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom,

the sanctity of human life and family.


Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776

Oct. 26, 2011