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Stunning video: This is what Pro-lifers are up against

Penny Nance Chief Executive Officer and President Grassroots

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Last week during the House debate on the Protect Life Act,

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) made several comments

that were so cold, callous and void of any human compassion,

that our friends at Concerned Women for America wanted

you to hear them yourself. Click below to see the

disturbing video, and then take action with CWA by

signing their petition to "Defund Planned Parenthood."


--Grassroots Action


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From the Desk of:

Penny Nance, Chief Executive Officer

Concerned Women for America



During last week's House debate on the Protect Life Act

(HR 358), the legislative move to close abortion loopholes

in ObamaCare, Representative Sheila Jackson Lee gave one

of the most sickening speeches I have ever heard...


While giving her floor speech, Jackson Lee, an unabashed

pro-abortion advocate, referenced a Texas sonogram law

requiring a doctor to first talk to a woman seeking an

abortion and allowing her to listen to the beating heart

of her preborn... only Jackson Lee didn't have the courage

to admit it. Instead she referred to the beating heart

as "sounds."


Then, in a cold and callous statement that turned my

stomach, she added that those "sounds... might discourage

this needed action."


That's right Ms. Jackson Lee, a young woman or girl who

hears the beating heart of her preborn baby during a

sonogram might choose life over abortion!


Click below to see the Jackson Lee floor speech:


Sadly, for people like you and me who cherish life and view

it as a gift from above, this is what we are up against --

outspoken abortion advocates like Jackson Lee publicly

cheapening life, and recklessly misleading the young women

and girls who are preyed upon by organizations like Planned

Parenthood (PPH).


But I believe it is changing...


Thankfully, the Protect Life Act sailed through the House

and a number of Democrats supported the effort.


Now we have a powerful opportunity to turn off the spigot

of taxpayer funds flowing freely into the coffers of

Planned Parenthood -- a billion dollar abortion enterprise

(332,278 abortions performed in 2009).


But I need your help.


Right now Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Florida), Chairman of the

Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, is conducting

an investigation into PPH's activities -- requesting

everything from abortion-funding records to its policies

on reporting sexual abuse...


         CWA supports the investigation, and is asking all

         members of our grassroots team to take fast action

         with CWA by clicking below and signing our petition

         supporting the investigation, and calling for

         Congress to move immediately to defund Planned



         We want to hand-deliver these petitions to Rep.

         Stearns and other key officials in this debate,

         but before we do it is important that we maximize

         our grassroots effort to make the greatest impact

         on behalf of the unborn that we can.


         Take a moment to add your name to this important

         petition to defund an organization that is using         

         your tax dollars to advance their illicit and

         immoral agenda.


Click below for more information and to sign our petition:


Even though PPH is not allowed to use taxpayer funds to

perform abortions, the funding they receive indirectly

allows PPH to pay for abortions as well as advancing their

abortion agenda by making financial contributions to

candidates like Jackson Lee.


It has long been my prayer that a culture of life would one-

day blossom across our nation. I believe with your help

today, we are sowing seeds on Capitol Hill -- seeds that

will blossom in the not too distant future!


Thank you for standing with Concerned Women for America!


Penny Nance

Chief Executive Officer


P.S. After signing our petition, alert your pro-life friends

and family to join with you by clicking below:





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Grassroots Action, Inc. is an Internet services company that

provides news, information and grassroots action services and

strategies to individuals and organizations.


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