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Radicals turning justice upside down!

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


      Pro-homosexual activists and their sympathizers are

      threatening anyone challenging their agenda - especially

      when protests are voiced from a Christian viewpoint. 

      Their threats usually involve accusations of "bullying,"

      when in reality, it's moral Americans who are being

      bullied!  This outrageous abuse can and must be stopped,

      but I need your help. See my urgent message below - Mat.       

We are seeing an alarming pattern develop in our public schools

and other settings in which pro-homosexual activists demand that

authorities defend their agenda. But closer reviews of complaints

of "unfair treatment" usually tell a much different story...

      It's the radicals who cite others for "bullying" that

      are the real bullies!

      It's the activists who scream they want "tolerance" who

      are the most intolerant of opposing viewpoints! 

      It's the protestors demanding "equal rights" who are

      guilty of trampling on the rights of others!

This is happening all across America through the instigation

of powerful pro-homosexual organizations that are encouraged

by a sympathetic president, a left-leaning Senate, and deep-

pocketed organizations like the ACLU.

      These "change" agents' radical goal is to systematically

      reshape American laws and social structures while recruiting

      and indoctrinating our children and grandchildren.

The only way they can fully achieve their agenda is to squelch

the voices of their opposition. We are seeing their tactics

demonstrated at the very highest levels of government down to

the grassroots level of our local public school systems.          

++"Just accept it!"

As I've mentioned before, Dakota Ary, a high school freshman

in Fort Worth, Texas, was suspended from school for merely

stating his Christian view on homosexuality to a classmate. 

His teacher had previously posted a photo of two men kissing

in the classroom, telling students that homosexuality is

becoming more prevalent in the world and that they should

just accept it!

      The teacher charged Dakota with "possible bullying"

      and indicated, "It is wrong to make such a statement

      in public school."

Thankfully, Dakota didn't "just accept it." Instead, he chose

to state his belief on the issue. Later, his family contacted

Liberty Counsel for legal help.

      Liberty Counsel defended Dakota against this overzealous

      teacher's assault on Dakota's rights. Dakota was fully

      exonerated and the teacher was placed on administrative


It wasn't the so-called "separation of church and state" that

was violated, as the teacher alluded in the discipline referral

form. It was Dakota's First Amendment rights that were clearly

violated! The man citing for "possible bullying" was actually

the bully! 

This case is a clear example of why I believe

that Liberty Counsel's "Patriot's Handbook of Religious Freedom

in Public Schools" is a must-have reference that should be

providing guidance in EVERY SCHOOL in America!

++ There are nearly 100,000 public schools in America, and most

of their administrators regularly get misleading information

from liberal groups.


To counter the "disinformation" pro-homosexual groups are

spreading in public schools, we have taken a bold initiative

by committing to send 20,000 Handbooks to 10,000 schools by

October 31st. But our long-term goal is to place these

powerful Handbooks in every public school in America before

the 2012-2013 school year begins next August!

Could you help with this vital effort? 

Through our bulk mail processing center, we can ship 2 books

to a school for $3.00. That means, for your sponsorship gift

of $30, we can send two copies of the "Patriot's Handbook of

Religious Freedom in Public Schools" to 10 schools!

We have good contact information and the names of principals

in each school you sponsor. Click here now to sponsor ten

schools, a hundred schools - or even more!

The cost of getting these powerful handbooks into 10,000

schools is $30,000. As of this writing, we have more than

3,600 schools sponsored - about 36 percent of our goal for

October! I need 640 more Liberty Counsel team members to

sponsor at least ten schools to receive this valuable


Please consider becoming one of those 640 thoughtful,

pro-liberty Americans to help us meet this important goal!

++ Our rights are not nullified inside a public schoolhouse. 

For a moment, please imagine how many students there are in

classrooms across the country who are being ridiculed for

their Christian faith and beliefs - who are being taught by

misguided teachers that they cannot express or demonstrate

their Christian views or values in class or on school grounds

without facing suspension or expulsion.

      Homosexual activists are doing everything in their

      power to push their "alternative lifestyle" while

      undermining the rights of freedom loving, God-fearing



These days, hundreds of legal cases on these issues emerge

from schools every year. Instigated by ultraliberal activists,

pro-homosexual radicals, and anti-religious organizations like

the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), such cases arise from

the bullying of school systems, teachers, students, and parents. 

Now, imagine the impact our powerful campaign can have! We know

that if a school principal and assistant principal in each of

our nation's nearly 100,000 public schools had this Handbook,

there would be FAR fewer incidents of radical activists

successfully bullying administrators!

Your gift will ensure that each school you sponsor will receive

two Patriot's Handbooks of Religious Freedom in Public Schools.

Click here now to make that possible:

Your sponsorship of a school could make a profound difference

in that school.  It could mean an appropriate prayer before an

event...or the ability to display the Ten Commandments in a

classroom...or the empowering of a teen to stand up to an

educator and say that they believe homosexuality is wrong...or

even the simple acknowledgement of the true meaning of the

Christmas season.

Please consider becoming one of the

team members I need right now to get two of these booklets

onto the desks of school administrators in our initial group

of 10,000 public schools before October 31st.

THANK YOU in advance and God bless you as you help take back

our tax-funded schools!

Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. We must stop pro-homosexual bullies from overtaking

our schools! We must help misguided administrators gain

legal understanding. Getting Liberty Counsel's "Patriot's

Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools" to these

school administrators is an excellent first step. That's

why we are starting with 10,000 schools. Please consider

sponsoring ten schools - or many more!

Thank you and God bless you!


+ + Comments? Questions?

Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and

Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and

policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom,

the sanctity of human life and family. 

Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776