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Gay Pride Week' takes over Boston. Depravity sponsored by politicians & corporations.

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MassResistance Update

1. 'Gay Pride Week' in Boston: In-your-face depravity, vulgarity, blasphemy -- sponsored by major politicians & corporate America.

2. Last week's Mass. Transgender Bill Hearing: Insulting affront to citizens. Full-court press by trans 'civil rights' crowd.

3. "This surgery is absolutely destructive" -- sad message from former transgender to warn others.

4. NY Legislature to vote on "gay marriage" this week. Several "pro-family" Republicans selling out and switching votes under pressure.

5. Coming up: Exclusive MassResistance video of Congressman Anthony Weiner in 2008 -- in his (depraved) element!


1. 'Gay Pride Week' in Boston: In-your-face depravity, vulgarity, blasphemy -- sponsored by major politicians & corporate America.

[NOTE: Full report coming soon with photos, video, and more.]

There is no worse time to be in Boston than during "Gay Pride" week. More than once this past week people on the street from out of town asked us, "What is going on here?" and we had to explain . . .


This was the scene on Charles Street in downtown Boston on Friday evening. [Mass-Resistance photo]

Gay Pride Week in Boston was officially ten days (June 3-12) of public events, block parties, festivals, and parades celebrating every kind of homosexual activity imaginable. As in recent years transgenderism and cross-dressing have been taking a more prominent role, as well as BDSM (bondage, sadomasochism, "leather culture"). There is also a big dose of anti-religious (particularly anti-Catholic) fervor. Besides homosexual Catholic groups, the offensive and blasphemous "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" -- a group of homosexual men dressed up as nuns to mock the Church -- marched in the Gay Pride Parade this year. But even they were dwarfed by the overwhelming number of depraved and perverted groups in the parade along with them.


Men dressed as twisted versions of nuns, calling themselves "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgance," marched in the Gay Pride Parade in Boston to mock the Catholic Church.  [MassResistance photo]

Also in marching the Gay Pride Parade were the Governor and public officials, from constitutional officers to candidates for US Senate to Boston City Council, and many contingents of major corporations and area hospitals, as well as (sadly) more children than we recall in prior years. The list of major corporations (and government agencies) sponsoring the week's events was impressive and scary.


Bank of America, the "Bank of Opportunity," was one of the many major corporations marching in (and sponsoring) the Gay Pride Parade. [MassResistance photo

Some of it was pretty mind-numbing. At the "festival" on City Hall Plaza following the Gay Pride Parade, Walgreen's Drug Stores had a booth giving out packets of lubricant for homosexual sex. Not far away was the New England Leather Alliance booth giving out sado-masochism literature, and the polyamory and witchcraft groups.

The major homosexual public events during the week were: (1) the rainbow flag raising at Boston City Hall, featuring Boston elected officials; (2) the Dyke March through downtown streets of lesbians holding depraved signs and screaming angry chants; (3) the Gay Pride Parade; and (4) the gay "festival" at City Hall Plaza right after the Parade. There was a lot more, but how much can anyone take?

It's really about power over us

One didn't have to be there very long to get a sense of what these kinds of events are really all about. They're about staging a huge in-your-face gesture of power over anyone with traditional values. Thus, they know they can do anything they want -- whether kids or anyone else are watching or not -- and we can't do anything but meekly watch.


In your face. During the Gay Pride Parade, just about anywhere you looked there was something like this riding by in an official float. [MassResistance photo]

For the homosexual movement and their supporters in politics and in corporate boardrooms, this is a public display of the dominance of their movement over traditional society and any individual who still supports traditional values. They know that no one would dare interrupt or criticize them without fear of swift and unflinching reprisal. They also know (and they know that WE know) that if we ever attempted to do any pro-family events downtown on that scale, the homosexual (or other mind-numbed leftist) activists could freely disrupt and harass us without any fear.

2. Last week's Mass. Transgender Bill Hearing: Insulting affront to citizens. Full-court press by trans 'civil rights' crowd.

[NOTE: Full report coming soon with photos & video.]

The public hearing on the Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes Bill (H502) took place at the State House this past Wednesday, June 8.

It was a thoroughly insulting and obnoxious day at the State House -- a classic example of bad government at work. The Massachusetts Joint Judiciary Committee appeared to be doing everything it could to keep individuals from testifying. And in fact many (if not most) regular people who came to testify eventually gave up and went home. The hearing started at 1 pm. It was still dragging on at 9 pm (when most of the individuals who were not part of a panel but just by themselves, finally got called to testify).

Gardner Auditorium as the Transgender Bill hearing

began just after 1:00 pm.  [MassResistance photo]

Although the Transgender Bill was the overwhelming reason people came (and the reason the hearing was moved to Gardner Auditorium from the regular hearing rooms) there were also 34 other bills heard that day. Some of them were completely unrelated, but others were also very important. This is scaled back from the insane situation at the Transgender Bill hearing last session, in 2009, when the Committee crammed over 200 other bills into same hearing. But still, the Committee organized this in the worst possible way.

How bad was it?

Although many, many of people came, it could have been handled properly. This committee has many years experience doing big hearings. But it certainly appeared that it was purposefully organized badly.  At the hearing:

  • There were no time limits (until the end). When the hearing started, Senate Chairman Cynthia Creem announced there would be a strict 3-minute rule on all testimony. Then she proceeded to completely ignore that. All day, everyone spoke for as long as they pleased. The result was a long day with relatively few people testifying. (The GLAD lesbian-activist lawyer went on for about a half hour, with questions from the panel.) Then about 8 pm - when "panels" of people (mostly liberals) had finished and individuals (mostly pro-family) started to be called up - Creem announced a 2-minute rule, which she enforced scrupulously, often interrupting people in mid-sentence.


  • There was no perceptible order. Customarily at pubic hearings, testimony is grouped by bill number. They go through a list of bills in order, and call the people for each bill. That way, at least you can plan when you might be called up. This time, it seemed completely random. The order people were called to testify had no relation to the bill they were testifying on. Everyone had to sit there for the whole session.


  • "Important people" were always taken before citizens. Generally, the order you testify has some relation to when you came and signed the list, at least during a particular bill's hearing, although committees do have an annoying custom of letting public officials jump to the head of the line. But this time, during the entire hearing people were called on the basis of how "important" the Committee chairman perceived them to be, without any apparent relationship to what bill they were talking about or when they signed in. Thus, Attorney General Martha Coakley was called up first (and spoke for a long time) followed by a blizzard of state reps, senators, and other public officials, followed by wave after wave of panels of "experts" and panels of respected (i.e., left-wing) activists, union officials, teachers, etc. There were some pro-family panels mixed in there also. But the average person (or conservative activist) had to wait till the end. It was outrageous.
Two leaders.  Man on left, in women's clothes, is leader of Boston Area Gay and Lesbian Youth (BAGLY).  Woman on right in men's suit with beard is head of Mass. Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC).  Both were considered "important" enough to testify near the beginning of the hearing. [MassResistance photo]

A spirited fight from our side

Numerically, our side was completely overwhelmed. The homosexual and transgender lobbies were well organized and brought in panel after well-rehearsed panel of every possible "expert" and activist possible, along with legislators, officials, and others.

Nevertheless, our side had some great moments, with a lot of powerful testimony. (We'll be reporting more on that.) And not only the transgender bill: Reps. Marc Lombardo (R-Billerica) and Rep. Jim Lyons (R-Andover) spoke stunningly in favor of the bill to repeal the Buffer Zone around abortion clinics. There's no question that the Committee got a full range of info and passion from our side, despite their apparent efforts to subvert testimony.

And a down side

But there were two big holes. Our side had virtually no church presence. Only one pro-family pastor came, and he spoke more on procedural issues. There were more left-wing clergy there, and they spoke more from a religious standpoint.

But also, there was a disturbing tendency in "pro-family" testimony to want to appear "compassionate," and concede that transgender anti-discrimination laws are legitimate as long as the "bathroom" aspect was properly dealt with. They don't get it. Transgender anti-discrimination laws, as this bill clearly shows, are their way of brutally pushing that behavior throughout society -- not just bathrooms -- under force of law.

The transgender movement is very serious about getting this one passed this year. We have a lot of work to do. For more information on how to express your opposition to the Committee and your legislators, see our flyer.

3. "This surgery is absolutely destructive" -- sad message from former transgender to warn others.

The Transgender Bill hearing included a lot of well-rehearsed stories of discrimination and anguish by transgender activists because they're not accepted by society. Thus, they say, a law is needed to force that. (See our analysis of the Transgender Bill H502.)

But there's another, much darker side to that story that doesn't get out: The fraudulent and destructive nature of the transgender movement and the harm it does to vulnerable people.

But MassResistance was at the hearing to tell that side of it. As we mentioned in our last email, we were submitting testimony from the daughter of a man who "became" a woman, and testimony from a happily recovered transgender female.

Tragic story. Walt Heyer: At left as himself. At right as Laura Jensen.

We were also contacted by a Walt Heyer, a man whose surgery to "change" him into a female has had horrific long-term effects for him. We spoke with him at length. He was planning to come to Boston and testify personally, but at the last minute he wasn't able to, so he asked us to submit his testimony at the hearing, which we did. Here's what he submitted:

To the Massachusetts Judiciary Committee

Testimony regarding Bill H502

[Submitted at hearing by MassResistance]

June 8, 2011

by Walt Heyer

I'm a male-to-female transgender who lived and worked as Laura Jensen for years. I'm opposed to the Massachusetts Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes Bill H502.

Changing genders is zany, exciting and fun at first, but many of us have discovered right away or years after changing genders that our lives turn to disappointment, sorrow and regret. The evidence of this extreme regret can be found in the staggering suicide rate for transgenders, reported to be 30 to 40%.

I am back to living as a male and I am happily married to a woman. But anatomically I'm not a male; I can't be. My birth record was changed and says female. My passport says male. This surgery is absolutely destructive. In fact, it is categorically impossible to change someone's gender.

There are a lot of males without male genitalia who are struggling terribly with this. And at least fifty percent of these surgeries are failures in some way. Your body is mutilated. It's not a good thing. It's a horrible thing.

Why are legislators more interested in passing more protective sex laws when the real need of transgenders is more help in prevention of suicide?

When they have such a high suicide rate, they're not getting the psychological treatment they need. And activist groups are trying to remove psychological evaluations for transgenders.

The advocates that are pushing for transgenders in schools to be able to have an extra bathroom or identify as any gender they wish -- they're pushing all the laws that are in my view what is actually killing transgenders.

People who want to change their genders have deep psychological issues. There's nothing normal about wanting to become a different gender. There's something desperately wrong with them and they need psychological help, and yet the advocates are trying to remove any required psychological treatment.

Homosexuals, lesbians and transgenders were not born that way, no, not at all. Despite an enormous amount of research being done, no scientific evidence can be found to substantiate this view, yet it is reported as fact. My new book, Paper Genders, provides a well-researched look in the homosexual activist movement and how everyone, including the media, runs and hides from this group of bullies and sexual predators.

The question is: Who has the courage and conviction to stand up for our young kids and our families?

If you go to my websites and you will find a lot more information.

Walt Heyer, formerly Laura Jensen

Author of Paper Genders

Carlsbad, California

Walt wrote this book to tell the world the truth about the transgender movement and his experiences. We are making it available to the Judiciary Committee. Let's hope they read at least some of it.

Note: Mr. Heyer will soon also release Paper Genders as an e-book, available online.

4. NY Legislature to vote on "gay marriage" this week. Several "pro-family" Republicans selling out and switching votes under pressure.

It's been a very, very difficult week for the pro-family movement in New York State. The battle for votes in the State Senate for the "gay marriage" bill is unbelievable. The New York legislative session ends this Monday, June 20.

Last night, as expected, it passed the House chamber -- the Assembly -- by a vote of 80-63.

But the real fight has been in the Senate. In the Senate, our side has generally had about a 4-vote margin. But over the last week it's been chipped down to just one vote, where it stands now. If they can flip one vote, they can push it through.

In other words, key Republicans have been caving in and the battle is on to keep any more from jumping ship. It's disgraceful to see formerly "good" legislators suddenly announce that they're now for "marriage equality" or similar lunacy. To their credit, pro-family groups, including the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) have vowed to make sure their constituents know this on election day.

The Governor, Mayor of New York, the liberal establishment, Wall Street Republicans (yes, you've read this correctly), sports figures, and celebrities far and wide have been lobbying very aggressively for the "gay marriage" bill. And across the state homosexual activists have been attempting their usual intimidation tactics (see video).

On our side are churches, the Orthodox Jewish community, and lots and lots of regular people that are battling equally hard.

A Senate vote is expected to take place today or Friday. We've been in constant contact with key Orthodox Jewish activists, who have used our MassResistance material on "What Same-Sex 'Marriage' did to Massachusetts" in State House lobbyng. Can our side hold the line?


Rabbi Noson Leiter and his group from Torah Jews for Decency have been lobbying fiercely for traditional marriage at the New York State House in Albany.

Special MassResistance page of NY news on marriage bill

The New York activists asked us to maintain a special page on our site for their news on this. We've been posting it with their regular updates that they also send to their internal lists. You can read it HERE.


5. Coming up: Exclusive MassResistance video of Congressman Anthony Weiner in 2008 -- in his (depraved) element!

In our next email:

Exclusive MassResistance video of disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner taken in Manhattan in 2008 by Amy Contrada.  You'll see all the elements of his current weirdness -- and much more. During happier times for him, no doubt.

ALSO coming up:

More from our multi-part report on last month's homosexual Youth Pride Day in Boston. Believe it or not, it's even worse than this stuff!

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