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Is our military ready for open homosexuality?

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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We intend to continue doing everything possible to

            prevent open homosexuality from plaguing our

            military, and for right now that means having strict

            guidelines to prevent activists from pushing same

            -sex "marriage" onto our military culture!  Just

            as we warned, the repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't

            Tell" (DADT) policy is causing great confusion

            and legal difficulties - even in getting our vitally

            important military funding bills passed!  Read my

            urgent message below - Mat.

Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed HR 1540, the 2012 Defense Authorization Act. Although controversial in some respects and under the threat of a presidential veto, the bill DOES contain important language that creates standards that the military MUST adopt in order to navigate the quagmire the repeal is causing.

            Mark my words: Allowing the open practice of

            homosexuality in our military is one of the worse

            social experiments ever foisted on the American people!

Liberty Counsel Action has adamantly opposed the repeal of the DADT policy from the beginning. We have long argued that allowing openly practicing homosexuals to serve will damage military readiness, negatively impact morale, and deny religious liberty to those who object as a matter of conscience.

            Because the ultra-liberal 111th Congress turned a tin

            ear toward us (and the majority of Americans!) and

            repealed the DADT policy, we must push back and INSIST

            that funding bills contain additional implementation

            requirements like those that are imbedded in the bill

            just passed by the House of Representatives. 

The House bill mandates that President Obama, his Administration, and military chiefs enact the following safeguards and measures...

            1.) Require WRITTEN statements of readiness from key

            military leaders that implementing the repeal will

            NOT adversely affect battle readiness and unit cohesion.

            2.) Outline military guidelines for the definition of

            marriage specifically as outlined in federal law -

            the long-standing Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

            3.) Outline a requirement that the use of military

            installations as sites for marriage ceremonies and

            participation of chaplains and other military and

            civilian personnel in their official capacities must

            comply with DOMA.

++The Senate needs to be persuaded to do the right thing!

Our sources tell us that the Senate is creating its own version of 2012's National Defense Authorization Bill and that their version will likely not include any guidelines for implementing the repeal of the DADT policy.

That's why Liberty Counsel Action is calling on the United States Senate to adopt stringent safeguards in implementing the repeal of "Don't Ask. Don't Tell" into the ranks of our servicemen and women!

We REJECT the social engineering of enacting a pro-homosexual policy for political reasons in this critical time for our nation's military personnel - especially without stringent guidelines!

            Time is critical!  This legislation is being

            drafted in the Senate right now!  There must be


I'm asking every member of the Liberty Counsel Action team to press hard on targeted Members of the Senate with this strong message. Your faxes will be scheduled to be delivered with thousands of other citizens' faxes as part of our massive FAX BARRAGE.

            Liberty Counsel Action's fax barrage is a very

            effective way to get this message to Senators

            before they do irreparable damage to the readiness,

            effectiveness, cohesion, and morale of combat arms

            units and other personnel of our Armed Forces. 

Everything you need to fax your Senators is contained on our LCA fax page. Click here now to read the DADT repeal guidelinesas issued by the House of Representatives - and to fax your two Senators and other key leaders on the Senate Defense Appropriations subcommittee and the Senate Armed Services Committee:

Faxing key Senate leaders is the fastest way to get your message into their hands. It is absolutely vital that the final bill presented to the President include restrictions on the military's recognition of same-sex "marriage" - and prohibitions of chaplains being forced to perform same-sex "marriage" services!

++This is another "end run" to subvert our Constitution!

Just because the Obama Administration refuses to defend DOMA cases is NO EXCUSE for codifying same-sex marriage in our nation's military appropriations bill!  This is yet another bold-faced subversion of the Constitution on the part of the Obama/Reid power axis and nothing less than blatant pandering to radical pro-homosexual activists!

            This outrageous "back door" means of getting

            federal approval of same-sex unions directly

            violates the federal Defense of Marriage Act

            (DOMA), a law which is the will of the American

            people and has long been in place!

++Take action with us NOW, before it's too late!

Click here to join other Liberty Counsel Action members in telling Senators, our President, and his Administration to adopt stringent safeguards in implementing the repeal of DADT

in the ranks of our servicemen and women:

If you prefer, we always encourage you to send your own faxes. We have provided all the information you need to reach Senators here:

Our Fax Barrage will continue to flood Senate offices until the Senate votes on the 2012 military appropriations bill. We have been told many times that this strategy really does make a difference!

            But time is of the essence to protect our

            military personnel from radical social

            engineering and defend the timeless institution

            of marriage as being reserved for the union of

            one man and one woman.  

Our strategy to get guidelines in 2012's appropriation bill will in no way limit Liberty Counsel Action from using every available means to reverse the repeal of DADT!  But this is a necessary and effective way to keep pro-homosexual activists from automatically getting same-sex "marriage" into the military culture at the same time!

We will never quit advocating moral sanity for our nation's military policy!  THANK YOU for supporting Liberty Counsel Action in this vital effort!  

God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. We are at a crossroads regarding our U.S. military's effectiveness in time of war. To disrupt their mission with a major policy change by social engineering on such a sensitive issue - merely for political purposes - is very, very wrong. There must be very stringent GUIDELINES imposed! Fax your Senators now and tell them to adopt the HR 1540 guidelines for implementing the repeal of "Don't Ask. Don't Tell."

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