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TSA Workers Admit To Stealing Huge Amounts Of Cash From Passengers

Steve Watson & Paul Joseph Watson

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The revelation that TSA workers have admitted to stealing huge amounts of cash from passengers they singled out for enhanced security screening is far from an isolated incident, and underscores how armies of degenerates are being employed by the federal government to push around and dominate members of the public going about their daily business.

As reported in several mainstream media reports today, a TSA supervisor at the ironically titled Newark Liberty Airport has pleaded guilty in a federal court to multiple counts of theft, as well as admitting to taking bribes and kickbacks from another TSA worker to “look the other way”, while the agent he was supervising stole more money from travelers.

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Michael Arato faces a maximum potential sentence of 15 years in prison and a $250,000 fine for stealing up to $700 per day from passengers for eight years.

Arato also allowed another worker to steal up to $30,000 in cash from traveller’s bags over a 13-month period, pocketing a share of the ill gotten gains himself. The court heard that the pair specifically targeted foreign travelers, mostly Indian women, who could not speak English and discussed how they should not feel bad about stealing from them because they were leaving the U.S. with “our money”.

Arato was caught pocketing money on surveillance cameras last October when airport authorities began investigating complaints from passengers that their money and valuables were missing after their bags had been searched by the TSA.

In one incident, Arato allegedly took a wad of cash and “gave the middle finger to the office security camera”.

Sentencing will be passed in the case on May 24.

This is just the latest example of how TSA workers are prone to criminal behavior. It is certainly not an isolated incident.

TSA workers have also been caught stealing laptop computers, stealing luggage with thousands of dollars worth of jewelry, sabotaging sensitive screening databases, and joking about planting drugs on travelers.

TSA agents are also prone to predatory crimes, particularly targeting women and children, emphasizing once again why they are attracted to jobs that allow them to sexually molest and ogle vulnerable members of society.

Aside from the hundreds of stories of exposing breasts and forcefully groping travelers, there have also been scores of these even more unsavoury cases.

“A TSA employee based at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport tried to kill himself after allegedly abducting a woman, sexually assaulting her then giving her a suicide note to deliver,” reported the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. last November.

49-year-old Randall Scott King kidnapped the woman after she had accompanied him from the airport. Whether or not King abused his power as a TSA officer to make the woman accompany him is still being investigated by police.

Back in March it emerged that TSA worker Sean Shanahan, who was employed at Boston Logan International Airport to pat down passengers, had been charged with multiple child sex crimes targeting an underage girl.

Similarly, 57-year-old Charles Henry Bennett, who worked at Orlando International Airport as a TSA screener, was arrested in connection with the molestation of a 6-year-old girl whom he planned to make his “sex slave”.

Working in airport security seems to attract perverts, rapists and pedophiles because it gives them legitimate cover through which to exercise their deviancy. Indeed, a prank caller who pretended to be a sex pervert phoned the TSA about applying for a job and was treated seriously by a TSA staffer

Stories about TSA officials and other airport security workers abusing the use of naked body scanners have also become commonplace.

44-year-old Rolando Negrin beat his supervisor with a police baton after he had cracked jokes about Negrin’s small manhood when he walked through a naked scanner as part of a training exercise at Miami International Airport. The story underscored the fact that authorities had been lying all along about the claim that the scanners did not show sensitive details of genitalia.

Indian film star Shahrukh Khan told a BBC talk show that naked images of his body from the scanner were printed out and circulated by airport staff at Heathrow in London. Heathrow denied the claim but Khan himself never retracted the story, and had no apparent motive for making it up.

Heathrow authorities were unable to deny a later example of the scanners being abused, when it emerged that a Heathrow worker had perved over a naked image of a female colleague after she passed through one of the devices, before commenting, “I love those gigantic tits”.

Jo Margetson, 29, reported John Laker, 25, to the police after she had entered the x-ray machine by mistake and Laker took the image before making lewd comments.

The naked scanners are being manned by people like a TSA agent who flipped out and began screaming, “I am god, I’m in charge,” shortly after he got off duty at LAX earlier this year.

In addition to the gross violation of privacy that comes with the machines, such incidents have prompted lawmakers to introduce legislation that would see misuse of body scanner images punishable by prison sentences and/or $100, 000 fines.

Airport security staff workers are among the least trustworthy people to operate these machines. Such individuals are routinely caught abusing their authority for their own ego trip or sexual perversion.

The fact that the most deviant, perverted, megalomaniacal and criminally-minded dregs of society are attracted to TSA pat down jobs tells you everything you need to know about the nature of the Transportation Security Administration and how its role has nothing to do with preventing terrorism and everything to do with ritualizing the degradation and humiliation of the American people.


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.