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Andrew Breitbart joins GOProud

Joe Kovacs

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Called '1 of the most influential voices in the conservative movement today'

Online media mogul Andrew Breitbart is joining the advisory council of GOProud, a national organization of homosexual conservatives which has been challenged in the past year for allegedly not being conservative on social issues.

Andrew Breitbart

"Andrew Breitbart is one of the most influential voices in the conservative movement today," said Christopher Barron, chairman of GOProud. "We are thrilled to have him as part of the GOProud team."

The California-based founder of news portals and joins political strategist Margaret Hoover, anti-tax activist Grover Norquist and talk-radio host Tammy Bruce on the council.

"I applaud GOProud's strong, principled conservatism and admire their courage to defy the left's stifling demand for group conformity," said Breitbart. "As a fierce opponent of the cultural Marxism and political correctness that divides Americans into different identity groups, I embrace the American motto 'E Pluribus Unum' as an antidote to the Democratic Party's divide and conquer strategy."

In January 2009, he launched Big Hollywood, a group blog off of on Hollywood and culture from a center/right perspective. He gained greater notoriety when his second blog endeavor, Big Government, broke the ACORN prostitution scandal. Breitbart launched Big Journalism in January 2010 and his newest blog, on foreign policy and national security issues, Big Peace, launched July 4.

Barron noted: "Like GOProud, Andrew Breitbart is on the cutting edge of the conservative movement. No one better exemplifies the growing strength of the new media more than Andrew Breitbart. Andrew is a fearless, committed advocate for conservative principles and we welcome him to the GOProud leadership team."

GOProud has come under fire from some tea partiers and others who think object to its ignoring of social issues in the conservative political movement.

"GOProud is not a tea-party group and they are not a particularly conservative group," said Judson Phillips, founder of Tea Party Nation, one of the three major national tea-party organizations. "Any tea-party group that says 'ignore the social issues' is making a big mistake. They're running the risk of alienating a large section of their base."

In September, Barron held a high-profile debate in Miami with WND founder Joseph Farah, arguing whether GOProud could even be considered conservative, based on its support for the homosexual agenda.

GOProud Chairman Christopher Barron, left, squared off against WND Editor Joseph Farah in a debate Sept. 17, 2010, at Miami's Doral Resort as part of WND's "Taking America Back Conference." (WND photo)

Barron presented a number of his group's stances on a variety of political issues to bolster his claim that GOProud is indeed conservative.

Some of them include support for cutting taxes, school choice, free-market health-care reform, the privatization of Social Security, fighting the spread of radical Islamic regimes, defense of Second Amendment rights, and opposing any effort to federalize marriage through a marriage amendment.

Regarding marriage, Barron asked, "How many marriages have been damaged or destroyed by 'gay marriage?' My guess is not many. How many have been destroyed by divorce? A lot more.

"The real threat to marriage is divorce. I want to defend the institution of marriage because I believe in it," Barron continued. "Why aren't we pushing for amendments state by state repealing no-fault divorce? It's bad for women, and it's especially bad for children."

Farah did not disagree on the divorce issue but hammered away on his point that homosexuality is inconsistent with being conservative.

"Chris, your argument is not with me. It is with God," said Farah. "It's with 6,000 years of Judeo-Christian history and the founding principles of this country.

"Our rights do not descend from government edicts," he continued. "We're endowed with them by our Creator. If that's true, and I certainly believe it is, shouldn't we listen to what our Creator has to say about the sin which forms the basis of your special-interest group?

"Should conservatives, the people who are supposed to preserve institutions that work come to the rescue of homosexual activists? I say no," said Farah.


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Previous stories:

Breitbart to NAACP president: 'Go to hell'

GOProud blasted by other conservatives

God's laws become focus of WND-GOProud debate

Shocker! Guess who's debating Farah in Miami!

Ann Coulter on WND: 'They're a bunch of fake Christians'

Ann Coulter slams Farah as 'swine,' 'publicity whore'

WND dumps Ann Coulter from Miami due to Homoconflict

WND's Miami conference dumps Florida Tea Party

Joe Kovacs is an award-winning journalist, executive news editor for and author of the No. 1 best-selling book "Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You've Never Been Told."

Jan. 19, 2011