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Subversion through perversion: the spreading homosexual degeneracy in our culture is not the result of natural moral decay; it is the manifestation of planned revolution by a subversive elite.(Culture War)

William F. Jasper

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812px; left: 94px; display: none;" id="Tp1" class="hint"> om·ni·pres·ent  


Present everywhere simultaneously.

[Medieval Latin omnipres

..... Click the link for more information. and potent medium are hell-bent themselves, and are determined to take our whole society there with them.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the incredible brazenness of the full-tilt campaign to homosexualize American culture. The organized sodomites Sodomites

insisted on having sexual intercourse with angels disguised as men. [O.T.: Gen. 19]

See : Homosexuality , who constitute a tiny fraction of our society--1 to 2 percent, not the 10 percent they claim--have been given carte blanche

     2. In the course of business, it not unfrequently occurs that for the sake of convenience, signatures in blank are

..... Click the link for more information. to "overhaul straight America." You may not know it, but you are being psychologically overhauled to accept the homosexual revolution "whether you like it or not."

Welcome to the "queering of America." That's how the radical homosexual strategists themselves refer to their insidious crusade to remake our society and our entire culture in their image. They know they cannot succeed totally in the legislatures and the courts unless and until they have transformed our culture. This means saturating our popular cultural media with homosexual and lesbian characters, themes, styles, and symbols.

This also means placing homosexual and lesbian characters into virtually every sitcom, soap, and drama on television. And it has gone far beyond that, of course. Programs like Queer Eye

..... Click the link for more information. for the Straight Guy, Queer Eye for the Straight Girl Queer Eye for the Straight Girl, a spin-off of the television show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, aired from January 2005 to May 2005. As the name suggests, the program focuses on makeovers for females while following the format of the original show. , and The L Word are total propaganda platforms for the superiority of homosexuals over straights.

"Velvet Mafia"

This subversive crafting of the program content of network and cable TV is dictated by a contingent of homo-lesbo executives, artists, and consultants known in the trade as the Velvet Mafia or the Lavender Mob.

When the Velvet Mafia determines that it's time It's Time was a successful political campaign run by the Australian Labor Party (ALP) under Gough Whitlam at the 1972 election in Australia. Campaigning on the perceived need for change after 23 years of conservative (Liberal Party of Australia) government, Labor put forward a  to inoculate in·oc·u·late


1. To introduce a serum, a vaccine, or an antigenic substance into the body of a person or an animal, especially as a means to produce or boost immunity to a specific disease.

2.  the American public with a few more doses of "gay" culture, we get another spate of "coming out" episodes or homo-lesbo kissing scenes. Thus, on February 10, New York New York, state, United States

New York, Middle Atlantic state of the United States. It is bordered by Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and the Atlantic Ocean (E), New Jersey and Pennsylvania (S), Lakes Erie and Ontario and the Canadian province of  Times writer Virginia Heffenan approvingly noted the recent wave of lesbian smooching during the network sweeps: "On One Tree Hill, The O.C. and even Wife Swap This article is about the television programme. For the subcultural sexual lifestyle, see Swinging.

Wife Swap is a reality television programme, produced by UK independent TV production company RDF Media. , Sapphic love is in the air "Love is in the Air" is the 14th episode of the ABC television series, Desperate Housewives. The episode was the 14th episode for the show's first season. The episode was written by Tom Spezialy and was directed by Jeff Melman. . And why not? It's that extended prom night for television lesbians--sweeps."

According to


1. As stated or indicated by; on the authority of: according to historians.

2. In keeping with: according to instructions.


..... Click the link for more information. Heffernan, "in the last decade television's masterminds have discovered the lesbian kiss" as a gimmick to gain viewership. Lesbian kisses, she claims, "offer something for everyone, from advocacy groups looking for Looking for

In the context of general equities, this describing a buy interest in which a dealer is asked to offer stock, often involving a capital commitment. Antithesis of in touch with.  role models to indignation-seeking conservatives, from goggle-eyed male viewers to progressive female ones, from tyrants who demand psychological complexity to plot buffs. Hooray for the all-purpose lesbian kiss, then, cynical though it may be."

Heffernan then runs through a historical list of television's lesbian kisses, from L.A. Law L.A. Law was an American television legal drama that ran from 1986 to 1994. It was one of the most popular American television shows of the late 1980s and early 1990s. As with thirtysomething, L.A.  in 1991, up through Picket Fences, Roseanne, Ellen, Ally McBeal, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. "Next up, then, are Marissa (Mischa Barton) and Alex (Olivia Wilde) on The O.C. (Fox)," Heffernan reports, in apparent breathless anticipation. "The gorgeous California girls will finally kiss tonight."

Heffernan hit on the key element of the Velvet Mafia strategy when she said "gorgeous California girls." To sell their perversion Perversion

See also Bestiality.

bondage and domination (B & D)

practices with whips, chains, etc. for sexual pleasure. [Western Cult.: Misc.  to the targeted teen and young adult audiences, they have gone to great lengths to package lesbians as gorgeous, cool, hip, smart, chic. That is especially obvious in the new lesbian series, The L Word, now in its second season on the Showtime network. Giant billboards for The L Word show a bevy bevy

a flock of birds.  of beautiful actress/models posing naked in a group huddle.

Now comes Homer Simpson to further the revolution. In a special episode of The Simpsons on February 20, Homer, who has become a beloved cartoon icon, conducted "gay marriages" and one of the regular characters on the series, Patty, came out of the closet.

Televised Revolution

The revolutionary nature of these recent events was noted by the Chicago Tribune's Web Behrens. "You probably didn't notice it at the time, but a revolution quietly took place a week and a half ago--and, yes, it was televised." After reciting a string of recent "gay" TV episodes, including the Simpsons, Behrens wrote: "When you consider that, just a decade ago, any one of these recent episodes would have been cause for much hand-wringing, protests and even boycotts, the word 'revolution' is no exaggeration. So how did American culture arrive at this place?"

Behrens only partially answers that important question by reciting, like Heffernan, the chronology of landmark homo-lesbo TV episodes over the past decade. But those episodes did not appear out of thin air; they were part of a long-term, revolutionary program planned by militant homosexuals and their insider sponsors in the industry. Their entire strategy was laid out in minute detail in 1989, in a book entitled After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's.

The authors, Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, boasted that this was an operational manual for the "overhauling of straight America," by which they meant "converting" America. Kirk and Madsen state: "By conversion we actually mean something far more profoundly threatening to the American way of life. We mean conversion of the average American's emotions, mind and will, through a planned psychological attack. We mean 'subverting' the mechanism of prejudice to our own ends--using the very process that made America hate us to turn their hatred into warm regard--whether they like it or not."

And how would this be accomplished? Through a massive media, public relations public relations, activities and policies used to create public interest in a person, idea, product, institution, or business establishment. By its nature, public relations is devoted to serving particular interests by presenting them to the public in the most , and advertising "propaganda campaign." "Gays must launch a large-scale campaign--we've called it the Waging Peace campaign--to reach straights through the mainstream media," the co-authors wrote. "We're talking about propaganda." They explained to their deviate cohorts that "propaganda relies more upon emotional manipulation than upon logic, since its goal is, in fact, to bring about a change in the public's feelings."

"The main thing," they asserted, "is to talk about gayness until the issue becomes thoroughly tiresome." (Emphasis in original.) Accordingly, they said, the "free and frequent discussion of gay rights by a variety of persons in a variety of places gives the impression that homosexuality is commonplace. That impression is essential, because ... the acceptability of any new behavior ultimately hinges on the proportion of one's fellows

accepting or doing it." And, the deviate duo opined, the "fastest way to convince straights that homosexuality is commonplace is to get a lot of people talking about the subject in a neutral or supportive way. Open, frank talk makes gayness seem less furtive fur·tive  


1. Characterized by stealth; surreptitious.

2. Expressive of hidden motives or purposes; shifty. See Synonyms at secret. , alien, and sinful; more aboveboard."

"At least at the outset," say Kirk and Madsen, "we seek desensitization desensitization

 or hyposensitization

Treatment to eliminate allergic reactions (see allergy) by injecting increasing strengths of purified extracts of the substance that causes the reaction.  and nothing more." The purpose of that phase is simply to get straight folks to the "shoulder-shrug stage." The radical homo duo write that "if you can get them to think that [homosexuality] is just another thing--meriting no more than a shrug of the shoulders--then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won."

However, the Kirk-Madsen program does not stop with mere societal acceptance of homosexuality. It goes on to "paint gay men and lesbians as superior--veritable pillars of society." That is what we are seeing now, with programming that portrays the homo-lesbo community as superior to the straight community.

Yes, Mr. Behrens was correct to use the word "revolution." That is precisely what Communist theoretician


One who formulates, studies, or is expert in the theory of a science or an art.



..... Click the link for more information. Antonio Gramsci intended in his strategy to achieve complete transformation of society through a complete transformation of the culture. For the past several decades, Gramsci's disciples have been applying his subversive strategy to undermine the moral foundations that provide the bulwark of protection against that revolution.

Original article written March 21, 2005

Posted to FW on Jan. 2, 2011