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Lesbians Replacing Masons as Prison Guards

From Michael in Australia

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I was cutting this guys hair the other day.  Ive cut it for him for awhile now and he never says much, then the other day after his haircut he stops at the door and goes on a 15 minute rant about his work.

He says that he is a prison guard, that in the eighties all one had to do to get hired on was to be a Mason but things have changed.

Non Masons would get hired but never to the same degree as members but now all of them seem to have disappeared according to him.  Filling the void are the lesbians. 

He goes on to point out that even in the men's prisons male guards are only used where the lesbians would be inappropriate, searches and such.  He also mentions being an open homosexual guarantees employment as well. 

Further he goes on to explain that the presence of the lesbians seems to be [designed] to antagonize and agitate the inmates to which they commit themselves wholeheartedly. 

Many things were said but in the end he pointed out that lesbians for whatever reason are really good at fixing the books and organizing the different prisons in such a way as to receive the maximum budgets.  I thought that in itself was interesting.

I asked him only one question and that was "do you feel your female partners at the prison are loyal to you and would back you up in a situation?" 

female_prison_guard.jpgHe summarily pointed out that their presence in no way helps but hinders the situations they encounter at the prison. As far as [being] a loyal partner whom one can count on, no way. They are there to monitor the male guards and ensure they are toting the politically correct line.

That was essentially the main points.  After he just walked out. 

I was stunned but there it is.



Comment from MA:

This is exactly the sort of nepotism I've come to expect from those attracted to the "minority victim" mindset.  Having that victim mentality, they lose all sense of fairness or meritocracy.  All it takes is for one member of the "oppressed" to get into a position of power and any slot that can possibly be filled by one of their own will be; any objections will be met with cries of "prejudice" and "discrimination".

I don't know why it is that lesbians in particular seem to be the worst offenders in this regard, but it's obvious from reading the news or visiting a State office  that these men-haters have taken over all the State child and family services offices, in the US anyway.  I guess the prisons are next on their agenda.

Oct. 27, 2010