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Israeli Rabbis on God-ordained Child Sex Mission

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ilthy black-and-white beard, is a former rabbinic leader of the extremist orthodox movement and a former teacher of the Yeshivat HaRav school; next, Motis friend, the French jewish terrorist Shlomo Chaim haKohen Aviner, 67, with long white stinking beard, a rabbi of the school of religious extremism and terrorism “Ateret Cohanim Yeshiva” in the Muslim Quarter of the old city of Jerusalem, and a rabbi of  the so called “Bet El Rosh yeshiva”, another school where theft of the Palestinian lands, mountains and hills in the West Bank is taught.

Yesterday the Israeli police announced that they had collected enough evidence to recommend that Rabbi Mordechai “Moti” Elon be indicted on charges of sexual crimes committed against his students. Rabbi Moti will be tried for alleged crimes of sexual abuse perpetrated against several Israeli children and teenagers. The offender had found his victims during his rabbinical and pedagogical activity during many years.

The root of Moti’s sexual escapades with children came to the light on Monday 15 2010 after a rabbinical forum, “Takana” (תקנה what could be translated as “remedy, regulation, or reform”), which deals with allegations of sexual misconduct and which investigates the sexual abuses in the religious community, posted a statement on their website demanding that rabbi Moti Elon should renounce all his rabbinical duties and stop teaching in schools on ground of having had sexual relations with male students, what is considered as a threat to the community. The forum reported that it became clear that Rabbi Elon had violated this prohibition as he had been accused of sexually harassing a number of his students. The “Takana” forum statement forced on last February 18, 2010 attorney-general Yehuda Weinstein to order that the Israeli police to launch an investigation into the sexual abuse allegations which were made against Rabbi Moti Elon.

Before that, about five years ago, Elon had been accused of raping boys aged 16-19 years. For many years Moti Elon had hosted of a weekly television show. The victims had to ask Elon for yeshiva advises, but were forced to have sexual relations with him. Elon used his rabbinical position and power to reach the victims, who were all told that having a sexual relation with a rabbi (him) was like asking blessings and mercy from God and that the Torah explicitly approved homosexual relations through the words of David at the death of his friend Jonathan: “I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; you were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women”.

Zionist Rabbi Moti Elon was a Torah teacher who was honored for his spiritual and political leadership, he was the spiritual head of a “social” extremist movement of squatter colonies in the West Bank, and a member of the Council for Higher Education of Israel. He also served at the Horev Yeshiva High School, a radical school for zionist terrorists, until 2002. From August 2002 and until 2007, Moti was at the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat HaKotel, a school and branch of the Ateret Cohanim terror movement in the occupied old City of Jerusalem.

Rabbi “Moti” is the son of one of the most prominent religious zionist families. His father was retired Supreme Court Justice Judge Menachem Elon. His brother is the former MK Rabbi Benny Elon, a terrorist who was also a member of right wing parties supported by most extremists religious zionists squatters. “Moti” also has another brother who is a regional court judge who was a candidate for an appointment to the Supreme Court.

Moti Elon, who sexually abused many boys, was officially against gays and homosexuality. According to his public persona, homosexuality is a clear violation of the Torah and a violation of God’s law. He said this on grounds of Leviticus 20:13: “If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable; they must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads”. This contradiction between “private” and “public” behavior has also been exposed during the last several years in the many cases of covert homosexuality and child abuse which have been uncovered in the Catholic Church and among politicians in western countries.

The criminal zionist Rabbi “Moti” first denied the allegations of sexual misconduct against him saying that this was all not true and describing the allegations as smear and “blood libel based on nothing but unfounded complaints”. He said: “the complaint was filed years ago and it has no relation with the truth”. The zionist puppets and supporters of “Moti” Elon said to the Maariv Hebrew edition: “We always knew that real and fanatic enemies full of hatred for rabbis are around him. We will not go into all this smear and blood libel, and we ask that no one deal with it”. According to these zionists friends of Rabbi Moti, “we will show the purity of Elon and the truth will appear sooner than we think”. They added: “we believe that the current crisis will grow much more joy, action, and love of the Torah”.

What is unusual about the Elon case is that a splinter group of the Orthodox community is taking the position that the entire prosecution is an attempt to destroy rabbinic authority and the Orthodox movement. This splinter group calls for refusal to cooperate with state authorities in theor investigations. Doubts began hovering around a group of zionists squatters, terrorist rabbis, a mafia which continues to support the homosexual child rapist rabbi Elon. These pro Elon zionists rabbis previously issued a statement calling for Moti Elon to return to teaching Torah in their schools. This group of zionist squatters includes the following rabbis: Aharon Lichtenstein, Yaakov Ariel, Avi Gisser, Shlomo Ben-Eliyahu, Baruch Gigi, Eliakim Levanon, Gabi Kadosh, David autumn, Elyashiv Knohl, Shlomo Riskin, Yuval Cherlow, Joshua Shapiro, and Shilat Chana Henkin. I can only suspect that these squatter rabbis must know something about the sweet delights of “teaching” young male students in private sessions.

Back in 2002 serious allegations were made against Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, who was then accused of sexually harassing women both verbally and physically. In 2005 two women accused zionist rabbi Aviner of building “emotionally intimate relationships” with them. These relationships included expressions of his love for them during regular late-night phone conversations, extracting details of their sexuality from them and promoting an unhealthy emotional dependence on him.

Sex and Terrorism

Aviner is a rabbi from the terrorist Ateret Cohanim yeshiva, which is part of the “jewish underground” of extremist and murderous squatters in the West Bank. He is known as an enthusiastic supporter of the squatter terrorists, having described the Jewish terrorist Baruch Goldstein, who murdered 50 Palestinians praying at the Abraham mosque as “a saint”. In 1990 a rabbi from the Ateret Cohanim yeshiva kidnapped a Palestinian woman and her child from near her house in the airport district of Qalandia. A friend of mine, Salwa Hdib (she is now minister of youth in the PA) told me about this story as it affected the family of her brother, and she put me in contact with the husband of this kidnapped lady.

The husband of this kidnapped woman told me with deep sorrow and bitterness that his wife was a good Muslim woman, wearing head cover and praying at the Al-Aqsa mosque. The jewish terrorists were watching her until they kidnapped her together with the child. She had been on her way back home from a visit. The man said that the great-grandmother of his wife was originally a jew and that she had converted to Islam when she married a Muslim man from Jerusalem. His wife never talked about this familiar issue. The terrorists from Ateret Cohanim had kidnapped his wife as an avenge for the “conversio” of her great-grandmother. They terrorists moved the Palestinian woman and her child to a secret terror yeshiva to learn the religion of her great-grandmother. He said that the Israeli justice was paralyzed before Ateret Cohanim and was not able to bring him back his little child and his beloved wife.

August 10, 2010