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Child Rape is Ok as Long as It Doesn’t Put a Damper on Your Wedding!

By Neil Foster

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portant to be named?
The guy who walked free from court was 19 at the time and received an 18 month suspended sentence for his monstrous crime. This creep, who has 2 young children of his own and stated that the events “had put a damper on his wedding day”, was part of what can only be described as a major paedophile ring yet because he said he was sorry he got off with it. Where are the social services when a convicted paedophile is left in charge of 2 young children behind closed doors? .Two other paedophile rapists aged 30 and 34 are serving jail sentences for the same crime, against the same young girl, although the article does not mention for how long.
The victim herself, kept a diary in which she had the names of 60 men involved but only named 21 of them. The victim, now 20, later stated that she didn’t feel raped but simply that her childhood had been lost.
Since when is getting raped by 21 men when you’re a 12 year old child not feel like rape?
This girl has been so traumatised it appears that she cannot seem to understand what has been done to her and indeed how she has been used by these disgusting predatory animals of the human species. They are the dregs of society and should be locked away indefinitely. They are clearly an incurable danger to every child who comes into contact with them.
But let’s take a step back here and take a look at what’s happening in the Soviet state called The European Union.
In 20 of the 27 European countries the age of consent is lower than l6. In fact, the minimum age in Holland, Spain, Portugal and Malta is effectively 12. In Slovenia, Iceland, Montenegro, Serbia, Italy, San Marino, Albania and, in certain circumstances, Germany the age is 14. All these laws apply equally to heterosexual and homosexual activity.
There are now moves in the European Union to standardise the age of consent. As you can see, the ages range from 12 at the lower end and 16 at the higher end. The average then is 14.
However, the plan is not to standardise everyone at the higher level or even at the average level. Oh no, the plan is to reduce everyone to the lower level of 12. This being the case, it should come as no surprise when the mainstream media is putting stories like this out to acclimatise people to the idea that having sex with 12 year old children is not really a crime anymore.
Let’s be clear here, paedophilia is paedophilia. Paedophilia is not acceptable to any normal thinking person whether they have children of their own or not and a 12 year old is clearly a child. Where will it go after that? Babies? There are disgusting creatures out there who’ll say that’s normal too.
When monsters like the ones mentioned in the Independent’s article are getting away with paedophilia you have to ask questions as to where the country is going with this. What happened to the other names on the victim’s list who also raped her?
Did you know that paedophile groups have been lobbying politicians to promote the reduction of the age of consent or to scrap it altogether?
How would you feel if a 30 year old guy was having sex with your 12 year old daughter or your 12 year old son for that matter?
Wouldn’t it make you angry? Well, it might make you angry but if it’s legal then there’s not a thing you’ll be able to do about it because your child may be compliant in having sex with an elder and will claim, through the brainwashing they receive at school, that they have the right to choose through rights given to them, over and above the rights of the parent to protect their children.
Perhaps because it’s someone else’s child that people don’t give a damn but when the age of consent is lowered, and it will be because it’s part of the agenda by the UN through the EU to destroy the family in line with their Communist ideology which also includes destroying any moral and societal cohesiveness.
This is another EU inspired slippery slope into the further degradation of society.
When are parents and ordinary people going to stand up and say NO MORE to this stuff?
Don’t you think that the people pushing this at the top of the establishment have a vested interest in doing so? Do you know about a case in Scotland which has been running for over a decade regarding members of the Scottish establishment raping a 6 year old Down’s syndrome girl? These ‘respectable’ people include judges, lawyers, police officers, social workers, family members etc etc etc. This is just the tip of the iceberg and you can guarantee that this is not limited to Scotland where the government is going to great lengths to cover this up. I suggest you Google ‘Hollie Greig’ for more on this.
The people at the top who make laws which justify the rape of your children are SICK MONSTERS who are paedophiles themselves. If they weren’t they would not pass laws making paedophilia legal!
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