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6 Astonishingly Smart Ways to De-Junk Your Life

Dr. Mercola

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  1. Be honest
  2. You don't need lies in your life, and being honest only gets easier with practice.

  3. Make a list of just 7 things that are irreplaceable
  4. Once you know what's important to you, you’ll probably get rid of some things that aren't.

  5. Make a list of just 5 people who matter the most to you
  6. Once again, keeping in touch with the people who really mean something to you will help you realize your true priorities.

  7. Move into a smaller living space
  8. You'll throw out some stuff during the moving process, and a small home means you'll be faced with clutter on a daily basis until you get rid of more.

  9. Quit your job
  10. Or just pretend and make some plans. You might be surprised by what you come up with.

  11. Train for an endurance race
  12. This can provide an amazing amount of stress relief as well.


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April 29, 2010