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Blowing the Whistle on the C.I.A's Secret War Inside Universities!

Dr. H.R. Goetting

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"University Spy - A True Story"

Behavioral science teaches that small changes in a man's sex-life can have large effects on keeping secrets. Defrocked Chief Paterson, who had up to my "interviews" never hooked up with a man, made a quick transition from the closet to homosexual voracity and behaved like an animal on steroids!

Spy ring! These investigative interviews will plunge you, the reader, into the murk of the abnormal psychology and mind boggling career of W. B. Paterson from hell-bent taxi driver to hysterical C.I.A. Chief-of-university-spies!

It was morning in America, the alcoholic Chief had just finished vomiting, was hung-over and had a pathological need for homosexual intercourse. Working in the Chief's office was like coming to an U.S. war-of-aggression zone where sexual degradation, torture and rape flourish. As the sexually harassed male employee of perverted Chief Paterson I unlocked sinister secrets ripe for a journalistic tour de force!

Blowing the whistle! Chief Paterson is the inheritor of American multi-billion dollar conglomerate Paterson Inc., a globally operating university supplier which doubles as a C.I.A. spy contractor! Chief Paterson has the command over a hidden espionage archipelago stretching across the world from university to university. It's scary, very scary!

Evil exists! In vicious violation of privacy and security of professors, students and research, Paterson Inc. is giving the C.I.A. a thousand eyes on academia's scientific experiments, social networks, political activities, fingerprints, bank accounts and much more. "We are a covert operations contractor for the C.I.A." The Chief wobbled back and forward like a drunken tip-over doll, his jaws loosened by a bottle of whisky. "We are kicking academic ass since five decades", he barked with frothing-at-the-mouth, biting the hand that feeds him!

As is becoming for an objective reporter, I use the method of dramatizing and narrating each morally offensive quotation from Chief Paterson. He is a source of untreated and disease-laden sewer language and behavior, weirder than fiction. Let's go for a visit to one of the Chief's fantastic moments - and I promise the hatemonger never used more lofty cross-references: "University people are late-term abortions who crawl out of classrooms", he screamed with a demagogy usually reserved for Adolf Hitler!

An extremist university supplier with neo-Nazi flavorings! The juicy revelations of the Chief going anal are off the record; Walt Blair Patersonâ?Ts real name, his official job, whereabouts and the name of his gonzo company were changed and rendered anonymous - to protect my "deep-throat" for legal reasons!

They march over dead bodies! Semi-literate but schooled in brutality, the background of the Paterson Inc. spy-troopers read like gravedigger roll calls: "Former Army Delta forces; Marine snipers; U.S. Army rangers; Special Operations officers". The hired militia from university supplier Paterson Inc. fights a dirty war inside university laboratories and student dormitories around the earth.

Ghost-supplier! Every Paterson teaching product brazenly peddled in university lecture halls by C.I.A. contractor Paterson Inc. has two elements: 1) it's an ordinary American learning tool; 2) it bears the chill of a torture whip in the face of a kidnapped C.I.A. victim. Every torture picture from a C.I.A. prison gulag has two elements: 1) it shows the obscenity of perverted, sex-starved male and female Americans during gang-rape; 2) it's a reminder to the lynch mob history of American slavery!

America, my most favored democracy: One dollar, one vote! C.I.A. espionage contractors such as Paterson Inc. are NOT SUBJECT to the Freedom of Information Act!

Crime pays fabulously in America! An obscure law allows the C.I.A. to block all congressional and public inquiries into the secret files, the budget, the number of cloak-and-dagger agents and the entire power structure of the Pater$on Shadow Company, the recipient of vast amounts of U.S. government money!

Sons of bitches! Who are Chief Paterson's unpredictable Washington masters? Their names read probably like a Who is Who of instable U.S. corporate and political power. They are busy scrounging around the world for more billions of dollars, money used by Patersonâ?Ts swines of ignorance to steal more pearls of wisdom!

The U.S. will go down in history as the country that breeds the greatest science looters! Who are the shameless American "scholars" and at which benighted U.S. universities do they work, dim-wits who helped dreadful C.I.A. & Paterson to conceptualize the hellish "intellectual" framework for spying worldwide at universities?

Yankee go home! I feel strangely prejudiced against Paterson's turncoats eavesdropping from spy outposts hidden at foreign universities on scientists and steal their works of genius. Chief bandit Paterson, the undersized super hero of American "scientists", delivers huge volumes of stolen research data and filched intellectual property into U.S. hands, where it is duly parroted at provincial universities as genuine research!

If the burly men from beastly Paterson Inc. tilted the global academic playing field in favor of U.S. "scientists", and if this helps clarify America's unparalleled share of Nobel prizes during that curiously energetic U.S. "research period over the past five decades, synchronized with the C.I.A.'s university espionage history, then so be it!

All this I found out like a Teutonic spy on tiptoes, interrupted only by the Chief's disgusting demonstrations of affection and while his ungentlemanly hands fondled among my pink boxer-shorts!

This research article shows impostor Paterson Inc. is unfit as a university supplier! America's pesky spy attacks on universities are on trial. The undeclared U.S. doctrine of large-scale targeted research theft has to be stopped with a nuclear "nyet"!

A company to shut down! Which unapologetic investigative reporter is going to identify and expose the reckless "university supplier", to which fictional "Paterson Inc." lent its imprint?

Yours, Truly

Dr. H.R. Goetting

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Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 5:44 AM
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