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From: Rocky Montana
To: Patrick H. Bellringer
Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 8:49 PM
Subject: HELP PUT A STOP TO "VOTED-IN EVIL" (revised)
Rocky Montana



If you think that the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender lifestyles are good and should supplant traditional Godly, American values, then you are going to love the ENDA bill, and you have President Obama to thank for appointing Ms.Chai Feldblum as his new "Workplace Homosexual Czar" and co-author of the EDNA bill.  Ladies: Do you want a man who dresses up as a woman to have the right to use any public Women's Restroom?  Parents: Do you want the Boy Scouts of America to be run by homosexual men?  These are just a few of the desires and agenda of the new "Workplace Homosexual Czar".  Forcing the American people to accept the EDNA bill is simply not acceptable, and, hopefully, will not be tolerated by the American, but only if the American people resist it.  Do you have the will America?

If we are talking about the sharing of closeness at soul level (Love, intimacy), respect and friendship for another of same sex and the sharing of a home together (cohabitation), this kind of relationship is acceptable to the many, if not the majority of Americans. 

Unfortunately, it is the lewd, lustful, and irresponsible sexual acts between people of same sex, as well as opposite sex, which is not and should not be accepted.  Any of the following behaviors is not Godly behavior: any Homosexual sexual act between two or more men, any Homosexual sexual act between two or more women, any Bi-Sexual sexual act between two or more men and women, any anal (Sodomy) sexual intercourse performed between any persons, male or female, any sexual activities performed with Animals (Bestiality) by any human, any sexual activity performed by ones closely related within the same family line (Incest), any sexual activity performed by any adult male or female upon or with any child, Prostitution, any Sadistic or Masochistic sexual practices performed by anyone or ones upon self or others, any voyeuristic activity or any participation with pornography.  I say these are un-Godly behaviors.  Notice I do not say un-Chrstian behaviors because I can't speak for all Christian sects and I know some "Christian" sects do accept and teach one or more of the behaviors listed above, and practice one or more of these same behaviors through their own words or actions.  All must be responsible for discerning their own actions.  Americans must be responsible in discerning the actions of their politicians and the intent of legislation they present,  such as the EDNA bill.  America must come into balance as a Godly nation by virtue of resisting the un-Godly behaviors listed above, and by resisting the EDNA bill or it will fall into darkness, degradation and despair, and will be no more.  Will you help in stopping the EDNA bill and others like it?  Because if we don't, it will be tantamount to "VOTED-IN EVIL".          

If you believe that you are a Godly person; that America is a Godly nation; that the above behaviors are un-Godly and therefore un-American, and believe in the following Godly and traditionally American values: that a Marriage shall be between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN ONLY , which is a necessary component for being PARENTS; that The DIVINE UNION or "sexual union" shall be performed between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN ONLY, who are committed in the act of marriage for maintaining the balanced level of the species;  that the traditional, nuclear family unit is the model for a Godly, flourishing society; that Women's Restrooms are for Females ONLY; that  the Boy Scouts of America should not have to be exposed to homosexual men (enforced by Supreme Court case); that School children should not be indoctrinated into the perverted lifestyles of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgenders; and that you find these values worth saving and fighting for, please read the EDNA bill for yourself, read the article below, listen to the Audio (see hyperlink below), and sign the petition (see hyperlink below) and stay informed.             



reference:  Phoenix Owner-Operator Manual

* * *


Obama Picks Radical Workplace Homosexual Czar


Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

From: Liberty Counsel <alert@libertyaction

Subject: Obama picks radical Workplace Homosexual Czar


Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 8:11 PM

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

What I am about to share caused me to gasp! Barack Obama has nominated far-left homosexual rights advocate Chai Feldblum to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) - a move that makes Congress' new push to pass the anti-faith ENDA bill even more dangerous to the rights of Christians.

Consider this...

Not only is Feldblum a former legal counsel for the ACLU and the pro-homosexual Human Rights Campaign, she is a CO-AUTHOR of the ENDA bill that she could soon be enforcing!

And what is Feldblum's agenda?  Incredibly, Feldblum says that when there is a conflict between religious freedom and homosexual rights, "...society should come down on the side of protecting identity liberty of LGBT people" (LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered)


In this view, YOUR religious beliefs will take second place to someone else's desire for aberrant sexual activities or gender changes!


She opposed Liberty Counsel's case in which we represented a Christian couple who owned a bed and breakfast in Vermont and who refused to participate in a same-sex union ceremony in their own home.


Feldblum stated: "Thus, for all my sympathy for the evangelical Christian couple who wish to run a bed and breakfast from which they can exclude unmarried straight couples and all gay couples, this is a point where I believe an inevitable choice between liberties must come into play. In making that choice, I believe society should come down on the side of protecting identity liberty of LGBT people."


In Feldblum's desired workplace, Bob the receptionist can wear a dress and lipstick to work and designate his restroom of choice, yet the owner of the business - even a Christian business owner - will not be able to say a thing about it!


If this latest Obama nominee has her way, even the Boy Scouts would not be able to protect its young members from contact with openly homosexual leaders...


Feldblum is on record as saying that the Boy Scouts should not have won their case at the United States Supreme Court that affirmed their right to free association.


+ + Feldblum and ENDA will put every employee, business owners and even churches and non-profit ministries on the wrong side of the law


The nomination of Chai Feldblum makes the ENDA battle in Congress even more critical. If she is confirmed and ENDA is passed, we should brace ourselves for the most radical, anti-faith interpretation of this bill that is even possible.


+ +Here's what Liberty Counsel is doing...


We just crossed 125,000 petitions and I want to reach 150,000 before ENDA comes to a vote in the House -- quite possibly in the next two weeks.


The petition delivery is a key component to our overall grassroots and education strategy to mobilize hundreds of thousands of

citizens in the coming weeks.


But the first, crucial step is the petition.


        Our records show you have not yet

          signed this petition. Please go here to sign right now:


President Obama's nomination of Chai Feldblum is no accident. This is all part of a strategic plan to advance a radical, anti-faith, gay-marriage agenda.


Only the Left would even attempt to pass such a radical law and then give the architect of that law enforcement powers!


We have exposed their strategy. Now, we must stand.


Thank you in advance, and may God bless you!



Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


P.S.  I have recorded a special update on the battle to stop ENDA for you.  Please listen to it and then forward this entire message to your friends, fellow church members, and relatives.  This is one of the most crucial battles for our culture we have yet seen - every Christian employer will be on the wrong side of the law if ENDA passes!  Go here:


Again, thank you and God bless you and yours!



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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the traditional family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .
